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GEIPAN and CEFAA started with formal cooperation

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Paranormal Adept
Latest from Billy Cox. It seems that GEIPAN and CEFAA finally started with formal cooperation and this could be the prototype of official international UFO committee. This is what general Bermudez told me back in 2000. when I interviewed him:

"This year was held inChile from march 27 to april 2, the International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE 2000). It is one of the world’s largest aeronautical shows, organized every two year by the Chilean Air Force (FACH) atSantiago’sLosCerrillosAirport. A series of ufo events took place during four consecutives days at FIDAE, including a press conference, a closed worshop, and two-day symposium titled “UFO: Analysis, Investigations and Perspectives for the New Millenium”, open to all attendees of the expo. . . .
. The group finally makes an energetic call to international cooperation at the level of governments and institutions to contribute in the exchange of data and experiences, to strenght significantly the possibility of finding answers to the unknowns currently presented by the phenomenon”. On the other hand, CEFAA is processing an agreement protocol with SEPRA, of France and compromise of mutual cooperation with NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) of USA."

It seems it is now finally implemented. Here is the link of the article:


France, Chile build trans-Atlantic bridge

By Billy Cox, Herald-Tribune
/ Monday, July 15, 2013

Another milestone occurred off the MSM whiteboards last week when two foreign governments formally agreed to collaborate on UFO/UAP research. Representatives from GEIPAN and CEFAA, the agencies charged with collecting UFO data for France and Chile, respectively, met for the first time at a conference in Greensboro, N.C., last month and discovered a wealth of common ground in their approach to the phenomena.
(more at link...)
OK so now we have UFOs ( which most people immediately identify with as conveying the idea of alien craft ), plus UAPs ( NARCAPs version = Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ), and UAPs ( GEIPAN's version = Unidentified Aerospace Phenomenon ), the latter two of which most people aren't familiar with or need explained to them because they're so vague. So my question is, to what extent are these government funded agencies investigating UFOs ( alien craft ) and not vague lights off in the distance, odd birds, unidentified aircraft, and other reports which add noise or contain insufficient information? NARCAP doesn't want to have anything to do with UFOs and sees them as "entertainment".

Using the term "Aerospace Phenomenon" covers an almost infinite array of natural possibilities in the air and outer space, not to mention that if it's the so-called "frontloading" that they wanted to get rid of by using new terminology, making a point of including air and outer space as the two primary considerations, only reinforces the ETH and ignores the more exotic possibilities. So once again we have a bunch of bureaucrats running the show ( and selling tickets ), who haven't really thought this through :rolleyes: . But who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and the big hold-outs will just suddenly open up the vault. If they do, let's just hope they hand it over to the right people. If they don't you can just imagine how fast NARCAP would change it's attitude about UFOs being nothing but entertainment. Or even worse would they suddenly go into denial mode in order to defend their platform?
Did you ever consider the possibility that the government studies so-called UFOs by a different name internally. That way, attention to what they are doing is deflected. Is it UAP? Is it UAO (the APRO version)? It would be a tricky way to keep secrecy, or they are pulling such a stunt. Who knows?
Did you ever consider the possibility that the government studies so-called UFOs by a different name internally. That way, attention to what they are doing is deflected. Is it UAP? Is it UAO (the APRO version)? It would be a tricky way to keep secrecy, or they are pulling such a stunt. Who knows?

That is a fair point. The thing we do know with certainty however is that the official investigations did use the official term UFO and therefore FOIA and other official requests that use the word UFO or UFOB are going to apply to many official documents. On the other hand, as I mentioned in a previous post, go to the Bluebook Archive and plug "UAP" into the search and see what you get. Are they now calling them something else? I don't know, but it's completely reasonable to suggest that we could simply say something like, "all documents pertaining to UFOs or whatever other official title for them is currently being used." It makes a whole lot more sense than trying to explain that we don't really mean UFOs ( when we do ), but UAPs and then have to explain all about that as if we're not really interested in alien craft when in fact that's exactly what we're interested in.