I’d like to address a couple of issues that have come up recently in several threads. The basic idea is that humanity is to the Alien Guys™ as (Pick one or several) {ants, amoebas, monkeys, Christopher Columbus, the natives of Tierra del Fuego, etc.} are to the modern age of humanity. If you gave a nuclear submarine or an iPhone to Columbus, he would not be able to replicate it. The Alien Guys™ are so far ahead of us that we can’t even recognize what they are and so we ‘interpret’ them as spaceships this century even as we called then faeries and elves in times past. They are (pick one) {hundreds, thousands, millions, billions} of years ahead of us.
Or not.
Those are nice analogies, truly insightful. I get what you are saying, but I’ve heard them for years—decades, even. The concept that the Alien Guys™ are ahead of us is not new. In fact, it is probably one of the oldest concepts surrounding UFOs ever. You can identify this concept in The White Sands Incident, one of the very first contactee books ever written. In fact, you could make a case that this concept pervades Ufology.
I would like to suggest that we may not be as far behind as lots of people seem to think. I’d also like to deal with some other concepts such as our origins at the same time.
Theorem One: We are not stupid. Amoebas and ants have not formulated E=MC(2). Monkeys have not launched telescopes into earth orbit in an attempt to find the edges of the universe. None of them used higher math to come up with nuclear energy or pondered Super String theory. None of them have sent robots to Mars to poke around in the dust and send back pictures. Now, you can say we are warlike, emotional, and greedy little bastards if you like. I’ll leave that kind of gnashing of teeth and hand wringing to others. There’s plenty of pessimism in the world. I do not share it.
The point is that we are at an advanced enough stage of development that we can back engineer anything within our own paradigms. We can do literally anything with electricity, for example. I’m not claiming Corso was right. The historical evidence indicates we came up with integrated circuits all by ourselves. The very design of them even today harkens back to elements in place in the 1800’s. Intel did not get its ideas from Roswell, but AMD did get its ideas from Intel and back engineered all their chips from scratch. All they had were outputs. They put engineers who swore they had never seen the innards of an Intel chip, put them in a room and told them to design a chip that provided the same outputs as the Intel chips. Now that’s back engineering at its finest. And if there was anything the least bit electrical from an alien ship, you can bet that we are capable of figuring it out.
Theorem Two: We have a Paradigm Problem. The previous pervasive paradigm was that “God did it.” The Holy Roman Empire ruled Europe with this paradigm until finally Henry VIII, the Enlightenment, and the Renaissance began to poke at it with sufficient zeal to break it open, helped along, oddly enough, by the Black Plague and the printing press. Dead people didn’t need clothes, so that made paper, the CD-ROM of the Renaissance, much cheaper. The survivors of the plague inherited the property of its victims thus creating a much more affluent society—and the rest is history!
The “God did it” paradigm is still with us and causing problems as fundamentalists of all stripes continue to battle on behalf of their archaic beliefs, but the culture as a whole has moved on in the for of Newtonian physics, which is all but conquered and on to the kinds of physics we hear of today in quantum mechanics and relativity, two diametrically opposed viewpoints that have agreed to disagree. The paradigm this time is the Scientific Method, a reaction against the “God did it” folks insisting on proving everything with solid evidence. It needed to happen and it has done much to foster progress.
The problem is that it is an “in the box” method. You can’t “think outside the box” because you can’t prove there is an outside to the box. To those immersed in the Scientific Method, if you can’t prove there is an outside to the box, then it does not exist. This is made pervasive by peer review, which ensures no one will step outside the box at all. Obviously the Scientific Method has allowed many technological wonders, so this is proof staying inside the box is sufficient. Also, outside the box is inhabited by many demons, some of them the same demons that were pervasive in the “God did it” paradigm. We certainly do not want to return to THAT sorry scenario, which is another good reason to stay inside the box. It’s much safer there.
I believe we are at the end of what the present paradigm can do for us. Unfortunately, the attitude that if it can’t be proven scientifically, then not only does it not exist, we can’t even talk about it is stifling progress. We need the Lance Moodys of the world to point out some of the silliness of sloppy thinking, but they are throwing out the baby with the bathwater and that’s what we have to get beyond.
Theorem Three: We are from here. Oh, we may have been tweaked. That is certainly possible, but there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that we did not originate elsewhere. There is DNA and the fossil record to go by. We’ve got the fossil record back to Homo erectus down, and that’s all you really need. Homo afrensis is just icing on the cake. Yes, dates keep getting pushed further and further back, but in the greater scheme of things, not that much. I think there is clear evidence of a near Renaissance era culture back about 12,000 years ago, much predating Egypt, that was wiped out by a flood. Read Graham Hancock’s Underworld for an accounting of it. But this is not evidence of the co-existence of humans with dinosaurs, or any technologically advanced civilization in the distant past. 19th century anecdotal evidence to the contrary, there’s not a shred of proof showing this happened. And I know all about Cremo. Just because his work is long and detailed does not mean it is scholarly.
The DNA evidence is even more overwhelming for an earthly origin of our species. Our DNA shows very close associations with not only all the primates, but even with rats. The idea that we evolved elsewhere and were planted or marooned here simply does not match with the evidence we have.
Theorem Four: The next paradigm will include a spiritual element. That does not mean a return to the “God did it” paradigm, but a recognition that at a basic elemental level some parts of that paradigm are correct. That does not mean God, Jesus, Satan, angels, Mother Mary, Allah, or 72 virgins awaiting you in heaven is anywhere near correct, but it does mean there is a heretofore unexplored by science dimensional aspect of reality. In other words we are multi-dimensional beings.
Think of it this way. You are sitting on a dock built over a lake. Your legs are dangling in the water, feeling its coolness. The rest of you is in the element of air, a vastly less dense medium. Your legs can’t see or feel the air; they feel and experience only the more dense water. No one would say you are not connected to your legs, but if your legs were conscious, they would only have a vague sense of who you were as a whole. The only conversation you have with your legs is when you order them to move, or if you are frightened, they experience an adrenalin rush and increased blood flow.
If this is the nature of reality, then we can’t help but go there next time. It is certain that the current Scientific method paradigm will resist this, just as the Church resisted the advent of the scientific paradigm. We see that already in the disdain mainstream science places on subjects we discuss here. It’s not just that these subjects are taboo. They are a threat. To the scientific paradigm they are seen as a throwback to the religious paradigm. The thing is, a new paradigm would be just as scientific as the old one, once we get there. It’s not that science is wrong, it’s just that it doesn’t include enough. We have to expand the box.
That’s why a White House Lawn Landing™ is necessary. We need something to break us loose from the old paradigm by demonstrating conclusively that this ‘something else’ exists. Of course, that may already have happened at some level and we just don’t know about it. We may need the Alien Guys’ help to get to the next level.
Theorem Five: We’re not that far behind. The evidence would suggest that the Alien Guys are concerned about our nukes. Why would they be? If you believe the ETH, they passed a zillion nuclear furnaces on the way here. Yes, a nuclear blast can ruin your whole day, but why would they care unless it WOULD affect them? If you start considering the multi-dimensional aspect of this, then it starts to make sense. There are also anecdotal reports of our radar making their ship navigation systems go awry. None of these incidents points o a culture billions of years advanced.
There is also the issue of the Singularity, ala Ray Kurzweil and Vernor Vinge. The idea is that we are at a crossroads where technological progress is about to travel upwards very fast, to the point that we can’t predict where it is going. This is not just another 2012 scenario. Kurzweil has been very accurate in the past. His predictions from ten and twenty years ago have largely been correct. If he is correct, then the next hundred years of progress will exceed the last million exponentially. That would put the idea of ‘number of years ahead’ in a new light. If we are with a few decades of Kurzweil’s Singularity, we may be only the same few decades behind the Alien Guys.
What does all this mean? Only that we need not continue to have an inferiority complex. We need not be pessimistic about our own future. Our vision is too narrow. What we think we see today may not at all be true. Our politics, of which we are all so certain is correct, may not be correct at all and our vision of the future as abysmal may be askew. From what I think I know about reality today, from my own underwater consciousness, I’m not sure I want to return here once I depart, but I still think the future will be glorious for all of us even though I’m not quite sure what the future will be.
Or not.
Those are nice analogies, truly insightful. I get what you are saying, but I’ve heard them for years—decades, even. The concept that the Alien Guys™ are ahead of us is not new. In fact, it is probably one of the oldest concepts surrounding UFOs ever. You can identify this concept in The White Sands Incident, one of the very first contactee books ever written. In fact, you could make a case that this concept pervades Ufology.
I would like to suggest that we may not be as far behind as lots of people seem to think. I’d also like to deal with some other concepts such as our origins at the same time.
Theorem One: We are not stupid. Amoebas and ants have not formulated E=MC(2). Monkeys have not launched telescopes into earth orbit in an attempt to find the edges of the universe. None of them used higher math to come up with nuclear energy or pondered Super String theory. None of them have sent robots to Mars to poke around in the dust and send back pictures. Now, you can say we are warlike, emotional, and greedy little bastards if you like. I’ll leave that kind of gnashing of teeth and hand wringing to others. There’s plenty of pessimism in the world. I do not share it.
The point is that we are at an advanced enough stage of development that we can back engineer anything within our own paradigms. We can do literally anything with electricity, for example. I’m not claiming Corso was right. The historical evidence indicates we came up with integrated circuits all by ourselves. The very design of them even today harkens back to elements in place in the 1800’s. Intel did not get its ideas from Roswell, but AMD did get its ideas from Intel and back engineered all their chips from scratch. All they had were outputs. They put engineers who swore they had never seen the innards of an Intel chip, put them in a room and told them to design a chip that provided the same outputs as the Intel chips. Now that’s back engineering at its finest. And if there was anything the least bit electrical from an alien ship, you can bet that we are capable of figuring it out.
Theorem Two: We have a Paradigm Problem. The previous pervasive paradigm was that “God did it.” The Holy Roman Empire ruled Europe with this paradigm until finally Henry VIII, the Enlightenment, and the Renaissance began to poke at it with sufficient zeal to break it open, helped along, oddly enough, by the Black Plague and the printing press. Dead people didn’t need clothes, so that made paper, the CD-ROM of the Renaissance, much cheaper. The survivors of the plague inherited the property of its victims thus creating a much more affluent society—and the rest is history!
The “God did it” paradigm is still with us and causing problems as fundamentalists of all stripes continue to battle on behalf of their archaic beliefs, but the culture as a whole has moved on in the for of Newtonian physics, which is all but conquered and on to the kinds of physics we hear of today in quantum mechanics and relativity, two diametrically opposed viewpoints that have agreed to disagree. The paradigm this time is the Scientific Method, a reaction against the “God did it” folks insisting on proving everything with solid evidence. It needed to happen and it has done much to foster progress.
The problem is that it is an “in the box” method. You can’t “think outside the box” because you can’t prove there is an outside to the box. To those immersed in the Scientific Method, if you can’t prove there is an outside to the box, then it does not exist. This is made pervasive by peer review, which ensures no one will step outside the box at all. Obviously the Scientific Method has allowed many technological wonders, so this is proof staying inside the box is sufficient. Also, outside the box is inhabited by many demons, some of them the same demons that were pervasive in the “God did it” paradigm. We certainly do not want to return to THAT sorry scenario, which is another good reason to stay inside the box. It’s much safer there.
I believe we are at the end of what the present paradigm can do for us. Unfortunately, the attitude that if it can’t be proven scientifically, then not only does it not exist, we can’t even talk about it is stifling progress. We need the Lance Moodys of the world to point out some of the silliness of sloppy thinking, but they are throwing out the baby with the bathwater and that’s what we have to get beyond.
Theorem Three: We are from here. Oh, we may have been tweaked. That is certainly possible, but there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that we did not originate elsewhere. There is DNA and the fossil record to go by. We’ve got the fossil record back to Homo erectus down, and that’s all you really need. Homo afrensis is just icing on the cake. Yes, dates keep getting pushed further and further back, but in the greater scheme of things, not that much. I think there is clear evidence of a near Renaissance era culture back about 12,000 years ago, much predating Egypt, that was wiped out by a flood. Read Graham Hancock’s Underworld for an accounting of it. But this is not evidence of the co-existence of humans with dinosaurs, or any technologically advanced civilization in the distant past. 19th century anecdotal evidence to the contrary, there’s not a shred of proof showing this happened. And I know all about Cremo. Just because his work is long and detailed does not mean it is scholarly.
The DNA evidence is even more overwhelming for an earthly origin of our species. Our DNA shows very close associations with not only all the primates, but even with rats. The idea that we evolved elsewhere and were planted or marooned here simply does not match with the evidence we have.
Theorem Four: The next paradigm will include a spiritual element. That does not mean a return to the “God did it” paradigm, but a recognition that at a basic elemental level some parts of that paradigm are correct. That does not mean God, Jesus, Satan, angels, Mother Mary, Allah, or 72 virgins awaiting you in heaven is anywhere near correct, but it does mean there is a heretofore unexplored by science dimensional aspect of reality. In other words we are multi-dimensional beings.
Think of it this way. You are sitting on a dock built over a lake. Your legs are dangling in the water, feeling its coolness. The rest of you is in the element of air, a vastly less dense medium. Your legs can’t see or feel the air; they feel and experience only the more dense water. No one would say you are not connected to your legs, but if your legs were conscious, they would only have a vague sense of who you were as a whole. The only conversation you have with your legs is when you order them to move, or if you are frightened, they experience an adrenalin rush and increased blood flow.
If this is the nature of reality, then we can’t help but go there next time. It is certain that the current Scientific method paradigm will resist this, just as the Church resisted the advent of the scientific paradigm. We see that already in the disdain mainstream science places on subjects we discuss here. It’s not just that these subjects are taboo. They are a threat. To the scientific paradigm they are seen as a throwback to the religious paradigm. The thing is, a new paradigm would be just as scientific as the old one, once we get there. It’s not that science is wrong, it’s just that it doesn’t include enough. We have to expand the box.
That’s why a White House Lawn Landing™ is necessary. We need something to break us loose from the old paradigm by demonstrating conclusively that this ‘something else’ exists. Of course, that may already have happened at some level and we just don’t know about it. We may need the Alien Guys’ help to get to the next level.
Theorem Five: We’re not that far behind. The evidence would suggest that the Alien Guys are concerned about our nukes. Why would they be? If you believe the ETH, they passed a zillion nuclear furnaces on the way here. Yes, a nuclear blast can ruin your whole day, but why would they care unless it WOULD affect them? If you start considering the multi-dimensional aspect of this, then it starts to make sense. There are also anecdotal reports of our radar making their ship navigation systems go awry. None of these incidents points o a culture billions of years advanced.
There is also the issue of the Singularity, ala Ray Kurzweil and Vernor Vinge. The idea is that we are at a crossroads where technological progress is about to travel upwards very fast, to the point that we can’t predict where it is going. This is not just another 2012 scenario. Kurzweil has been very accurate in the past. His predictions from ten and twenty years ago have largely been correct. If he is correct, then the next hundred years of progress will exceed the last million exponentially. That would put the idea of ‘number of years ahead’ in a new light. If we are with a few decades of Kurzweil’s Singularity, we may be only the same few decades behind the Alien Guys.
What does all this mean? Only that we need not continue to have an inferiority complex. We need not be pessimistic about our own future. Our vision is too narrow. What we think we see today may not at all be true. Our politics, of which we are all so certain is correct, may not be correct at all and our vision of the future as abysmal may be askew. From what I think I know about reality today, from my own underwater consciousness, I’m not sure I want to return here once I depart, but I still think the future will be glorious for all of us even though I’m not quite sure what the future will be.