An Open Minded Skeptic
Ok, normally I wouldn't take the time to post something like this, as we all know that Coast to Coast am is nothing more than an entertainment vehicle for people who just want to "vege" out and perhaps take up time utilizing background noise as they work or play, but this particular show seriously made me wonder just what the hell is going on in this man's head!
The show I am speaking about is:
"Coast to Coast AM - Apr 25 2012 - Restoring U.S., Occult & Secret Societies"
I happened to be working on a project and decided I'd listen to this broadcast, only to hear Author James Wasserman begin to defend the sick prowess of none other than the "Great Beast" himself, Aleister Crowley. He used such ridiculous notions in his examples that I kept waiting for Snoory to at least confront the man and ask him to explain some of his insane statements. Instead George was his usual, "Ohhhh yes", and "aaaahhh", etc. without any real legitimate questioning, or perhaps factual inferences to the contrary at all!
One example was a statement which Crowley had released during one of his drug induced states: "A white male child of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim."
This was spoken in the context of the bisexual satanist literally raping a young boy and Wasserman went on to explain it was a joke....something Crowley said to prove his predilection for ejaculation outside of a woman and thus staving off the ability for fertilization. It's funny how Snorry had the chance to perhaps jibe in with the fact that Crowley used to enjoy slitting the throat of goats during the moment of orgasm also, pouring the blood all over their entwined bodies, but that would have been too much information for such an intelligent show such as this.
There were so many other inconsistencies and wrong factual statements pertaining to Crowley by Wasserman, I thought my head would explode.
I guess I asked for it by listening.
The show I am speaking about is:
"Coast to Coast AM - Apr 25 2012 - Restoring U.S., Occult & Secret Societies"
I happened to be working on a project and decided I'd listen to this broadcast, only to hear Author James Wasserman begin to defend the sick prowess of none other than the "Great Beast" himself, Aleister Crowley. He used such ridiculous notions in his examples that I kept waiting for Snoory to at least confront the man and ask him to explain some of his insane statements. Instead George was his usual, "Ohhhh yes", and "aaaahhh", etc. without any real legitimate questioning, or perhaps factual inferences to the contrary at all!
One example was a statement which Crowley had released during one of his drug induced states: "A white male child of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim."
This was spoken in the context of the bisexual satanist literally raping a young boy and Wasserman went on to explain it was a joke....something Crowley said to prove his predilection for ejaculation outside of a woman and thus staving off the ability for fertilization. It's funny how Snorry had the chance to perhaps jibe in with the fact that Crowley used to enjoy slitting the throat of goats during the moment of orgasm also, pouring the blood all over their entwined bodies, but that would have been too much information for such an intelligent show such as this.
There were so many other inconsistencies and wrong factual statements pertaining to Crowley by Wasserman, I thought my head would explode.
I guess I asked for it by listening.