I found at least two possible anachronisms in this Alien Interview book.
On page 58, the interview, which is supposed to have been transcribed accurately and unedited by Lawrence or Matilda, talks about Earth scientists using carbon-dating to gauge the age of materials. Well, wasn't carbon-dating invented by Willard Libby in the early 1950s?? Am I wrong? At the time this interview took place, 1947, carbon-dating hadn't been invented yet.
Also, on page 64, Airl says that the "Old Empire" had a base in the Cydonia region of Mars. Now, when was Mars mapped and its regions named? Were the regions of Mars already named back in 1947? Or were they named during the Mariner expedition in the mid 1960s or Viking expedition in the mid 1970s?? If the latter is true, then how did Airl know about the name Cydonia?
Somebody please dispute my claims or verify them.
In addition to the possible anachronisms mentioned above, I also found a mistake in their historical timeline of Earth history.
Airl claims that since the destruction of the last "Old Empire" ships and presence in our solar system, aliens from all over the galaxy have been able to dump their "untouchables" on Earth, thus, she explains, accounting for the various races, cultures, and languages on our planet (see p.64). Well, the last of the "Old Empire" spacecraft in our solar system was destroyed in 1235 (see p.61). But we have had racial diversity for hundreds of thousands of years! So what accounts for our racial diversity prior to 1235?? What racial diversity cropped up after 1235, after the Old Empire ships were gone and other aliens began to dump their untouchables here?? Have we had a new race of people since 1235 that I am not aware of?? Pygmies??
Other things that struck me odd:
Why would a civilization that is trillions of years old and possess the technology to span galaxies and the Universe(s) concern themselves with establishing bases on low-gravity surfaces such as asteroids and our Moon?? Would gravity, considered a weak force, be such a factor in a technology that can travel many, many, many factors beyond light-speed?? Sounds like they are using rocket propulsion system like we are. I'd like to know what kind of fuel they are using! lol
Another imponderable: The Old Empire imprisoned IS-BEs that refuse to pay taxes?? So am I to assume that a galactic monetary system is in place, not to mention inter-systems exchange rates?? And the antiquated idea of money and taxes still lives on huh, after how many trillions of years??
Also, why would electricity, albeit billions in volts, have an effect on an IS-BE that is out of body and effectively erase its memory? I thought electricity only affects the physical body and not the non-physical body that we possess after death?? Doesn't sound believable to me, this part.
Well, this is my second reading of Alien Interview, after having believed much of it after my first quick perusal. Now I am finding more and more holes, inconsistencies, and downright unbelievable BS. And I'm only up to page 66 this second time around.