I have a different 'take' on it all. That something 'objectively' was happening I have no doubt - though not 'objective' in a material sense. Whether I would go so far as to identify it as you have I think is 'premature'. Also, I do not believe the phenomenon 'respected my desire' - though I find that a unique and interesting perspective to take. Rather, I see it more as - like the poet said - 'I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.'
Let me insert here that in my years of study in the occult/esoteric realm, one clear and unambiguous warning was always issued from teachers I respected, who I felt were legitimate, and that was to avoid at all costs developing the clairaudient capacity. I have read innumerable cautionary tales concerning individuals who actively sought to travel the road of phenomenon - which included clairaudience - and lived to rue the day they made that choice. I know of one situation where the husband of such a woman watched as she descended into madness. She was unable to stop 'the voices' once they began - and she could not discern between the voices, or command them with her own will. In the end, her psyche - never adequately prepared for such an onslaught - buckled and was destroyed for the remainder of her incarnation.
The above said, I live with the absolute conviction that we are in charge of ourselves. There is nothing to fear from 'the other side'. Nothing can harm us unless we allow it in and give it power. I cannot stress enough - as someone who
knows from personal experience that there exist other realms (usually called 'spiritual') not evident to the material senses - that
as much light and goodness and love as exists in those realms, there is also a great deal of flotsam and jetsam (cast off and disintegrating shells) that one does not want to 'invoke' and 'animate'.
People are generally clueless that they engage in 'manifestation' constantly. In fact, they actively resist the very idea that that kind of command is part of the human gestalt. In point of fact, it very much is and we are the drivers of what we see manifesting in this world. That said, focus and concentration given to the subjects of horror movies and all that ilk, is a massive 'creation' on subtle levels. It is equivalent to being confronted with a synthetic fibre and natural fibers like silk or cotton. Or having plastic rather than wood. Those 'synthetic creations' - born of phantasms of the overheated mind - in the hothouse of fear and loathing - become a muck that rears up seeking 'manifestation'. Of themselves they have no 'life' - no 'ego', no 'divine spark'. They are automatons waiting for 'animation' with the weir light of human attention. In a way we are all sorcerers - albeit we wield our power in ignorance - and reap the whirlwind as a result. (Most common is depression).
Hence, my statement of - in effect - 'get thee behind me, satan'

- is the power we all have over these things. We rule them - and we can pick and choose. We do well to exercise discernment and judicious discrimination bwteen what is of value and what is spurious. The realm of paranormal phenomenon is choked with the latter, quite aside from the hoaxes.