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Giant 'UFO fragment' falls from the sky in Siberia

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
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A giant "UFO fragment has fallen from the sky near a remote village in Siberia Russian media have reported. The U-shaped object, resembling a silvery dome, is currently under inspection by Russian experts, after being covertly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.

After discovering the device on Sunday, locals from the village of Otradnesnky had managed to drag the “UFO fragment” from the thick forest where it had fallen. They attached it onto a trailer and took it through the snow to their village, where local inspectors then examined it before alerting Moscow authorities. In an official statement, Sergey Bobrov, who found the object, agreed to keep it safe. But following their stealthy removal of the 200-kilogram metal fragment, police have it under close guard, on orders from unnamed authorities.

The device has not had its provenance confirmed as of yet. However, the object does not come from a rocket or missile or be in any way associated with terrestrial space technology, it has been announced. Rest of Article HERE:

Having worked with explosives, chemicals and dangerous isotopes I can absolutely confirm that if I thought for one second I had part of a UFO I would stash it before any 'agencies' could get near it and damn the cost to my health!! (actual lol, not an e-lol)
Is it just me or does anyone else think it might be advantageous to have a haz-mat team check the thing out before you drag it home?

It's just you and the greater part of the rest of the world. BUT we are not Siberians. Remember the guy who saw an (whatsitcalled) almaty or something (siberian bigfoot)? "It was big, hairy and I was NOT drunk!"

I had the honor of participating (and barely surviving) a siberian-german wedding once. Those guys would have secured the object first and then cleansed themselves from possible contamination from the inside. No sense in wasting the stuff on the object.

And the object itself doesn't really seem too unusual or even alien, so why be overly cautious. Maybe part of a rocket. I can't imagine where it could come from, but it wouldn't be the first time that such a story is blown up. For some reason the short clip with the article shows a possible meteor, then a damaged roof while the object has allegedly been found in a forest (?).
It's just you and the greater part of the rest of the world. BUT we are not Siberians. Remember the guy who saw an (whatsitcalled) almaty or something (siberian bigfoot)? "It was big, hairy and I was NOT drunk!"

I had the honor of participating (and barely surviving) a siberian-german wedding once. Those guys would have secured the object first and then cleansed themselves from possible contamination from the inside. No sense in wasting the stuff on the object.

And the object itself doesn't really too unusual or even alien, so why be overly cautious. Maybe part of a rocket. I can't imagine where it could come from, but it wouldn't be the first time that such a story is blown up. For some reason the short clip with the article shows a possible meteor, then a damaged roof while the object has allegedly been found in a forest (?).
Interesting how there is no obvious evidence of any burning
Interesting how there are no obvious visual signs of whatever-it-is having the scorch marks you would associate with something re-entering the Earth's atmosphere...
Empty inside and made of Titanium i wouldn't be surprised if someone made this and brought it to the forest as a practical joke. It wouldn't be a cheap hoax Titanium costs a bit but not overly expensive.

If turns out to be not a natural man made object i will not be surprised and its roughly 31 stone as well in weight. Not overly heavy.
If I had come into possession of such an object I would be minded to stick to it like glue. You know how often such strange objects get 'lost' from the government or some labs. In fact, if half the stories of lost artifacts from labs are true - you wonder how such labs could be trusted to do any work if they can't keep a hold of their damn samples! Let's hope the fact that Russia seems a bit more open to these matters than the U.S.

Anyone who has read Leslie Kean's brilliant book will know how succinctly she demonstrates the evolution of the US' stance on the subject of UFOs. It is a very silly hang-over from a very different age and really the people I hold most to account now is the scientific community. Where is the spirit that questioned the flat earth? The spirit that told of the sun being the centre of the solar system? I find that scientists are timid to a ridiculous degree over what could be the single most important work ever to be carried out in the history of mankind. The man that was the head of the French national space centre, YvesnSillard is of the opinion that there is absolutely no question whatsoever that the UFO phenomena is real and cannot be ignored. What kind of conversation would he have with the chief of NASA I wonder?
Yeah, I'm curious to know what they actually found. Not that I would have any idea of what a real piece of a UFO would look like, but whatever that is seems pretty...ordinary. I would definitely like to see more pictures of it, some video and basically just have all the ice and snow removed so we can all get a good look at it.
A little fishy. This flimsy can survived a space-born plummet? And why eliminate an unknown space project and jump to UFO? From here the thing looks underwhelming, very earth-born nuts and bolts. Hopefully Vallee will hop a red-eye and get a looksee.