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Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!

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Skilled Investigator
I was listening to a radio talk show today, about how the AirPort security screaners will now be able to sit and lear at your genitals in detail, before you board your Flight. Everyone who called the show, except me, said, basically, in a nutshell, "Screw Liberty and privacy, I want the Government to keep me safe. As long as I feel safe, the National Security State can do WHATEVER THEY WANT, to me AND MY CHILDREN.

DO YOU BELIEVE THAT? Well, ---believe--- it.


How has America come to this? It was the CIA's fault that the underwear bomber got on a plane. his father kept trying to tell them, "Please note my son, he is radicalizing, and is going to be a threat".

Are me and the US Constitution both outdated antiquated antiques? Inquiring minds want to know. thanks.
Just show up at the airport naked and you can skip right to the front of the line. A brief anal probe, and you're on your way.
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I am absolutely convinced, in all seriousness, that if all the sheepl were told, "You must submit to our new procedure of entering one of our rape rooms, where you will be sexually consumed six ways to Monday and Sunday, before you board a flight" the sheepl would say, "Honey, we have to resume having contraceptives on hand. Make sure the AirPort screeners don't give you an STD. Here is a condom and spermicide. Have a nice trip. Call me when you get there!"
I find these 'scanners' to be humiliating.You pay for something, often times a lot, and get treated like cattle.The worst part is, if the US has it, the EU will follow soon enough.What ever happened to dogs smelling explosives/drugs ? I'd rather have a dog sniffing me then some poor dude assigned to it seeing me naked.
Don't get me wrong, I am not thrilled at all about the idea of body scans. If the choice is being scanned or thoroughly being patted down, I think I would rather be scanned. It is sad commentary that we have to use scanners because people are willing to store explosives in their underpants. The TSA does have protocols in place to protect privacy.
Faces are blurred and the scanner views the images (which are not photographic quality) in a room that is separated from the scanning lanes so the person viewing the scan can't identify the people who are being scanned. The images are deleted once the person is cleared for weapons or explosives.
"Recognizing the public's concerns, TSA has established a special protocol for the use of whole body scanners they believe protects the personal privacy of passengers. The scanned images cannot be printed, stored or transmitted. The scanning devices have no internal memory, hard drives or other data storage devices. The scanners have no modems, network cards or other data transmission, or printing devices. Once the image has been evaluated and erased from the scanner's screen, it is gone. The scanned images are viewed at a remote location. The TSA officer sees the scanned image on a stand-alone, non-networked machine located away from the security screening area. Other passengers or the members of the public will be unable to see the images, and TSA officers are not allowed to bring cameras into the area where the images are being viewed." from scanners: TSA Expands Whole Body Scanner Searches, Assures Personal Privacy is Protected
I think I'll just stay where I'm at until this wave of insanity passes. There is plenty to do locally.
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You are NOT SAFE locally. Now. I just came from Alex Jones' 'PrisonPlanet' website, and a news article is posted there, that mobile street scanners are in the works, to view your privates, wherever you are. Love or hate Jones, he doesn't make up these news reports.
Sadly, this is what the world has been reduced to, thanks to religious fanatics and other extremists. I'm not happy that my privacy is being intruded upon, due to the activities of these extremists. However, I consider terrorism a much bigger affront to my civil liberties, than a camera that can peek beneath my clothing. I'd sooner be pried upon, than maimed or killed. Even with intrusive security measures, we're still one hell of a lot freer than we would be if the extremists ever got a whiff of power.
Frangible ammo on board might work. :eek:

As a rule I pass on by these types of topics ... usually. However the whole idea of terrorists, attacks on "soft" targets, and the "war" with Muslim extremists caused me to jump in here.

Until the United States Govt. and present administration really begins to take this seriously, we are in unbelievable danger. Stop this horse-shit of charging these terrorists in civilian courts, give them to the Military/Intelligence folks and then get the hell out of the way. Obama, Janet Napalatano <sp?> and Eric Holder don't have a freaken' clue about these murderous maniacs. If we start loosing civilians in Pizza Parlors, Shopping Malls and Grocery Stores from bombs, shootings and so on, lets see how long it takes until we start operating like they do in Israel. Sorry as all get out if that offends you, but I been on the sharp end of the spear before and I know in my heart, gut and mind what it takes to knock this shit off. You go in hard, brutal and unrelenting until the other guy begs you to stop. Then you have peace. It just does not make sense that ... if you are the 900 pound Gorilla in the room, you remind everybody now and then that you ARE the 900 pound Gorilla. Okay, my rant is turned off.

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I like John Stossel's thoughts on this issue: Profile Away.

We don't need to wait while airport employees go through every piece of carry-on baggage of the high school marching band members before they board their flight together, or create even longer lines now running grandma and grandpa through a body scanner. We all know who is out to get us.

It's another case of those who are supposed to be watching our backs dropped the ball, so now they have to make it look like they're REALLY going to get serious about protecting us. They're more concerned about covering their own asses than covering ours!

Just seems that a little more common sense and a lot less political correctness would go a long, long way. But what do I know ...

Keeping America Safe From ... the Elderly? :rolleyes:

But Don! Janet Napolitano said, "The system worked." Everything must be okay!

Schuyler, if the truth be told I must admit that I am still somewhat pissed off by Ms. Napolitano (oops, mis-spelled in my last post) by a little sumpin' she said last year. She ID.ed the "real threat" to American security ... American Military veterans. Oh yes, the very people that make sure she can sit up there and blather on and on while those potential "terror suspects" keep her all safe, warm and snuggly. Republicans criticize report on right-wing groups

To tell you the truth I felt so strongly about that remark and report I blogged on it. 2009 April if you are interested.
