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Given A Chance, I Would Kill This Man

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This video should be mandatory viewing for people who believe that evil doesn't exist.

Sadly, this madman (whoever he is) has counterparts in the U.S. that are just as bad when it comes to calling for the wholesale slaughter of innocent people. There's one on the radio every afternoon here in liberal Massachusetts. Wish I were exaggerating.
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Okay first off, do you actually know who this man is?

Do you actually speak Arabic, or any of its dialects?

Lastly, you have no idea what context his statements are, because it is heavily edited.

This is the reason why people are up in arms all the time about the Arab World. We don't know enough about it to truly make a judgement call. All we know is that they are a backward people living under an oppressive religious state that their people have seemingly embraced.

They are no different than anyone else in this world, in fact they are more likely more fed up with their leadership than we are.

Did you ever see the movie with Peter Sellers, called "The Mouse That Roared"?

Look at the world from that angle and you suddenly realize what kind of game is being played.
Anything that wants to hurt me or my kind for no good reason.

I was askin the other dude/gal. I never mind the Trunk Monkey chiming in of course.

The person you posted likely thinks he has a good reason. It's a reason you disagree with, and probably me if I could stomach the vid. Once it got to anthrax, I knew I'd probably not agree with him unless he's sending it to the promoters of American Idol or Bush.

Some people think killing killers is evil btw. Evil is an opinion, and opinions exist, so I guess evil does too. But not as directly as some think, who see it as a force. At least I'm not convinced it's a force over opinion.

One of the reasons I bring the issue up, is it seems the ones most convinced of good and evil are the ones who are most destructive. This is not directed at anyone in this thread btw. Perhaps the guy in the vid. But if my deduction is correct (and the vid isn't propaganda) Bush is very similar to the guy. And so called good people voted for him. Were they evil in my opinion? Stupid works just fine.
Someone should fix him up with Ann Coulter - they have a similar worldview, the difference comes down to little more than branding.

Believing that the end justifies the means opens a hole in the heart through which normal human decency drains away. Failing to have compassion for the suffering of anyone outside your own group (or yourself) is the making of a monster. Hence people like this.

It's natural to want to kill the monsters (for instance, I know for a fact that I would enjoy killing anyone involved in pedophile networks, slowly) but having acknowledged the impulse we have to refuse it: otherwise that's how the monsters reproduce (or as others have said "another eye for another eye till everyone is blind"). Violence is the original social disease.
Anyone who makes you angry has succeeded in controlling your thoughts. A killer who makes you kill has remade you in his own image.

Resist all of that and we can expose the hollowness at the heart of their thinking. Let them sputter their hatred and rage and show themselves for the small and twisted men they are.
I see evil as a force. It starts as a natural human impulse (anger, greed, et c) and then takes on a life of its own. This definition of evil is mine only, but it's workable.

Tommy made a good point when he mentioned that the video is heavily edited. The laughter sounds dubbed in, too. So it may not say what we think it says.
I see evil as a force. It starts as a natural human impulse (anger, greed, et c) and then takes on a life of its own. This definition of evil is mine only, but it's workable.

Tommy made a good point when he mentioned that the video is heavily edited. The laughter sounds dubbed in, too. So it may not say what we think it says.

I hope your definition of evil is yours alone. However, it isn't. You got your definition from others I'm sure. You believe in evil because you were taught it. Many people think as you do, and it leads to war. Both sides are trying to stomp out the force of evil. They don't realize evil doesn't exist. If they did, nothing to fight about. Those who believe not in evil, have no reason to rape, pillage, steal, rob, whatever. Just doesn't happen. Those who do, need to do that stuff.
I do not speak Arabic and I do not know the context he was speaking and I don't know who that guy was. I read the subtitles and more or less believe they were accurate. The message I got was one of hate and joy. He hates the west and would rejoice in their deaths. IF that were extent of it I could live with that being one guys warped opinion. However, I got the impression that he was speaking from a position of authority or at least a position of behind the scenes knowledge. IF that is the case then killing him, while probably making me feel better, would just justify part of his message. Or worse, make him a hero. Instead, send commando's from the US or the Brittish to capture him and break his will. Then let him appear in a video condeming the people he used to incite. Of course he is a zealot so that wouldn't happen. Plus, that is a bunch of money to spend for not much effect. Bullets are cheap and martyrs are eventually forgotten. Stick with the bullets.
I hope your definition of evil is yours alone. However, it isn't. You got your definition from others I'm sure. You believe in evil because you were taught it. Many people think as you do, and it leads to war. Both sides are trying to stomp out the force of evil. They don't realize evil doesn't exist. If they did, nothing to fight about. Those who believe not in evil, have no reason to rape, pillage, steal, rob, whatever. Just doesn't happen. Those who do, need to do that stuff.

You're assuming a lot about me that just isn't true. I've actually given the subject of evil a lot of serious thought and study, both within an academic setting and on my own. The definition is my own.

Most people acknowledge the existence of holy men and women, people within whom good is extremely concentrated and has taken on something of a life of its own. They shine with inner light. If you want to deny their existence, I guess that's your right, but you may miss the benefit of being in their presence.

The opposite exists as well. It must exist. Sadly, evil is there whether one wants to acknowledge it or not. (Not believing in evil has led to plenty of disaster and tragedy, too.)

Recognizing evil as a force or energy that is present and active in our world is not the same thing as signing on to a crusade to "stomp it out." Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. I wish things were that simple!

Evil is more like the spiritual, moral, emotional, energetic equivalent of rotting food. There is no scientific definition; I don't see how there could be. But that hardly makes it a useless concept. Nor does it excuse participants from responsibility.

And in some ways, real concentrated Evil-with-a-capital-E is rarer than people think. That terrorist guy is a somewhat ordinary kind of evil. There are plenty of people in this country who say the same kinds of things. But look at how this man speaks. Look at his face. It is like he is possessed. Not all evil people act in this particular B-movie way, but when you see someone really doing it, it's rather unmistakable. But it is not a scientific observation. It is a psychic one -- as in pertaining to psyche. There are a lot of tools in there we generally do not use, but they are very helpful.

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