Hello Paracasters,
This is my 1st post to the forums, as well as the first written account of an anomalous sighting that I had back in the summer of 1996. To set the stage and provide a little background, I spent the summer of 1996 in ffice:smarttags" /><ST1
lace w:st="on"><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
lace>, Or living with friends and completing my language requirement by taking summer school Spanish at the U of O ( I attended the U of O as a freshman, but then transferred to UC Davis, where I graduated in 1997). Anyway, in lieu of getting a job for the summer, I would make the 2.5 hour drive a few times a week to the then newly opened Spirit Mountain Indian Casino, 30 miles west of <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1
lace w:st="on">Salem</ST1
lace></st1:City>, Or where I would play low stakes poker. I was able to make enough on these poker playing trips to fund my leisurely collegiate lifestyle.
The incident in question occurred on a night in mid August. I had played my usual 10 hours of poker and was driving home back towards <st1:City w:st="on">Eugene</st1:City> on Oregon Rt. 99, somewhere between McMinnville and <st1:City w:st="on">ffice:smarttags" /><ST1
lace w:st="on">Corvallis</ST1
lace></st1:City>. Highway 99 is a semi rural 2 lane highway that cuts through <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1
lace w:st="on">Oregon</ST1
lace></st1:State>, winding through farm lands and wheat fields. It was approximately 1am on a weeknight, and I was neither particularly tired (I usually woke up around 10am in those days) nor under the influence of any intoxicant. I would pass or see another car on average of every 15 minutes, so it was really pretty deserted. I remember that there was nothing particularly interesting about the drive up to that point, and that I was just listening to the radio and thinking about how I had played a few poker hands earlier. I was travelling south on the highway and as I came around a bend in the road, I noticed a bright red glow out of my peripheral vision on my left side. To the left of me was a field that was approximately 150 yards wide and rimmed at the far edge by a row of 40-50 ft trees (behind these trees was a river). The super bright “ruby red” glow that caught my eye was very out of place. I turned my head to see where it was coming from, and saw an intensely glowing 3 dimensional perfectly spherical red orb floating along the treetops at the edge of the field. I estimated that the orb was about 6-8 ft in diameter and appeared to be moving very slowly in the opposite direction that I was going. It was clearly 3 dimensional, and the ruby red laser like light emanated from all parts of it equally. I could clearly see the outlines of the orb, and the light seem to “fray” out over the edges.
I kept driving and looking at this anomalous object completely stunned. After observing it for about 5 seconds, the thought, “What the F_ _ _ is that?!?” appeared in my head. And just as I was putting the ?/! at the end of the thought, the object seemed to implode in on itself, almost instantly, as if in response to my thought. It did not turn off or fly away, but rather seemed to collapse from the outside in, until there was nothing there. This seemed to occur in the blink of an eye.
I continued to drive home, albeit at a faster rate of speed with my heart beating 100 miles a minute. I reached <st1:City w:st="on">ffice:smarttags" /><ST1
lace w:st="on">Eugene</ST1
lace></st1:City> safely and without further incident, though I did feel that a “star” was moving in the sky along with my car for 20 or so miles (this could have just been my fear heightened senses playing tricks on me, and was probably either a real star or planet or satellite). There was no “missing time” and I don’t remember having any strange dreams or anything else. The next day I told two roommates and my Mom what I had seen, but didn’t really make a big deal about it and did not report it to anyone or really mention it too much afterwards. A few days later I was driving north along highway 99 during the day, and did notice some depressed wheat fields close to where I had seen the glowing red orb, but I never saw the pattern from above or heard about a crop circle in the news or anything.
This incident did provide the initial spark for my interest in UFO’s and over the years I would occasionally search Google to see if anyone else had seen anything similar. I came across the following image a few years ago, and although it is an artist’s rendition, it is pretty darn close to what I saw, maybe with the color being slightly different, but the “fraying” of the edges and the 3 dimensionality being exactly the same. In the story that goes along with this image, a lady and her husband reported seeing a red orb floating along the tree tops sometime in the 1970’s, although I can’t recall where.
Thanks for reading,
This is my 1st post to the forums, as well as the first written account of an anomalous sighting that I had back in the summer of 1996. To set the stage and provide a little background, I spent the summer of 1996 in ffice:smarttags" /><ST1

The incident in question occurred on a night in mid August. I had played my usual 10 hours of poker and was driving home back towards <st1:City w:st="on">Eugene</st1:City> on Oregon Rt. 99, somewhere between McMinnville and <st1:City w:st="on">ffice:smarttags" /><ST1

I kept driving and looking at this anomalous object completely stunned. After observing it for about 5 seconds, the thought, “What the F_ _ _ is that?!?” appeared in my head. And just as I was putting the ?/! at the end of the thought, the object seemed to implode in on itself, almost instantly, as if in response to my thought. It did not turn off or fly away, but rather seemed to collapse from the outside in, until there was nothing there. This seemed to occur in the blink of an eye.
I continued to drive home, albeit at a faster rate of speed with my heart beating 100 miles a minute. I reached <st1:City w:st="on">ffice:smarttags" /><ST1

This incident did provide the initial spark for my interest in UFO’s and over the years I would occasionally search Google to see if anyone else had seen anything similar. I came across the following image a few years ago, and although it is an artist’s rendition, it is pretty darn close to what I saw, maybe with the color being slightly different, but the “fraying” of the edges and the 3 dimensionality being exactly the same. In the story that goes along with this image, a lady and her husband reported seeing a red orb floating along the tree tops sometime in the 1970’s, although I can’t recall where.
Thanks for reading,
