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Rick I do appreciate your thoughtfullness and as you often do you give some good food for thought. But, " What do you "buy"?" is something that I also wonder about you. No offense or smart azz attitude meant by that. It's just that you talk about Processess and stuff and interaction and the truth is none of that is fact or proven or anywhere near a final answer. It's just as airy fairy as anything else. My physical brain interacts with chemicals and produces "me." Nope, don't buy it and my life experience is why. Look, it's one thing to say that you can hit your head and change your experience through brain injury. I can bust my t.v. and change the ability to receive college football on it. But, it doesn't obliterate college football. ;) But, even at that we can go back and forth forever on this. Here's my thing and as you have said "Your milage may vary" ;) But, for me. Once I have a dream (and I've had more than one, but a couple really stand out.) and in the dream a person tells me information that I didn't already have access to on my own. Then I tell it to a skeptical friend who I respect "BEFORE HAND" and it happens then that takes it out of the realm of being dependent on my brain. Now, no I can't do it on demand. But, I am not talking about seeing a red car in a dream and then going to a busy intersection and looking for a red car. :p So, anyway, it's enough for me to know that my spirit and my sense of who I am is still on ongoing journey. I"ve said before that I was raised Christian. My dogma did not survive my life experience. I'm a Christian Agnostic for want of a better term. I actually do believe in reincarnation and that has been challenged both by my Christian friends and my agnostic friends.  But, it really doesn't matter to me at this point in my life. I've lived to long now to honestly think I have all the answers. I know much less than I did when I was younger. But, I'm much wiser.
