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Greg Bishop -- 22 July 2012

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Groupthink Must Die
The discussion about "The Aviary" was intriguing. The cast of characters, as Greg described them, sounded about right. Col. John Alexander: Did you hang out with this group? If you did, please be man enough to admit it instead of skulking away with a denial or "no comment" crap. Your credibility wears thin when you visit The Paracast to "tell all you know" and then only tell what's convenient. Col. John, you know much more and we know you know.

Greg's humor is very refreshing in a domain that often takes itself too seriously. But still, he's not as funny as Jerry Seinfeld.

Greg Bishop's appearances on the show are very refreshing. He really does represent a kind of "excluded middle" that I find stimulating. His take on the Aviary has the sound of the unsensational but still fascinating truth.
Early in the show, Greg stated that John Alexander denied being in "the Aviary". Alexander has made a disclosure about his involvement, he discusses it in his book, "UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities". He admits being part of the group, but downplays its significance, and says that the bird code-names came from Moore and Shandera.

Alexander had organized a meeting of some military men, contracters and private individuals interested in UFOs, and to avoid attention called themselves the Advanced Theoretical Physics group. Maybe in Moore's imagination the ATP group became the Aviary.
Thanks for the backstory on Col. Alexander, Sentry. You're a scholar and a gentleman. I'd like to hear a Paracast episode where Robert Hastings squares off against Col. Alexander. I think Bob and his evidence could get the colonel in a full nelson. (Thanks for creating Blue Blurry Lines. I'm enjoying your research.)
Great show. Thanks, fellows. I feel like a bird brain, but I had forgotten about the aviary! It was interesting to hear about it again. And yes, Greg is a great guest, similar to all of the other folks in the nest when you were seeking out a new permanent partner. Birds of a feather, you know? There is a certain pecking order to these things, and Greg is definitely a top seed in the genre. He ain't no Dodo, that's for sure. (He certainly doesn't chicken out when it comes to dealing with the big issues). He doesn't back down from a fight, so he's definitely tough, (like a hawk) and he's a very smart guy who talks only about what he truly knows; he's never had egg on his face. He's not one of these wimps who ducks questions, either. He has fun with the subject matter without being too flighty.

I'm cracking up :(
Lee Graham was mentioned by Greg during the show. Graham was deeply involved in a UFO research and was a possible target of Bill Moore' handlers (if you believe the spy scenario). Back in 1994, Lee was a guest of Don Ecker's and talked about some of his other goverment interactions:
This episode of UFOs Tonite! was recorded at the end of July of 1994 with AeroJet Corporation's Lee Graham and Ron Regehr.
One story I broke concerned an actual government sting launched at Lee by the AFOSI and FBI in an attempt to get Graham fired from AeroJet because he was becoming a major pain the the governments ass over his continous barrage of FOIA requests on all kinds of data, much of it connected with the very secret DSP satellite array system.
Hour 01 https://www.theparacast.com/darkmatters/DSP01.mp3
Hour 02 https://www.theparacast.com/darkmatters/DSP02.mp3

If there was a UFO-espionage connection, looking at what was going on with Lee Graham should provide some real clues.
Thanks for the backstory on Col. Alexander, Sentry. You're a scholar and a gentleman. I'd like to hear a Paracast episode where Robert Hastings squares off against Col. Alexander. I think Bob and his evidence could get the colonel in a full nelson. (Thanks for creating Blue Blurry Lines. I'm enjoying your research.)

@Pong - what's the deal with the anti-sweetener signature? I use them all the time instead of sugar and I'm st..................
The aviary is a fascinating topic at the intersection of ufology and espionage. Great show.

I agree, Mr. Kirk.

One of the aspects of the aviary story that fascinates me is the bold reference to birds. Most scientists agree that birds evolved from dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era, and dinosaurs are arguably some of the most interesting reptiles. For example, unlike lizards, dinosaurs stood upright, similar to the hominids. Note that the first mammals also appeared during the Mesozoic.

What was their rationale behind the choice of the term "aviary"? Perhaps I'm making a connection where this is none, but it's interesting bird food for thought.
Good interview with Bishop. Hard to believe a group like the aviary could cast such as broad net. But the documented role of Doty alone is enough to make for a strange story hinting at something larger. Bishop always seems to strike an optimum balance between critical thinking and out-of-the-box speculation. Another great show.