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Guest Suggestion: Ben Radford

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Angel of Ioren

Friendly Skeptic
I want to suggest Ben Radford as a guest for the show. He's got a new book out called "Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore." He's probably looking for places to promote the book and I think the Paracast would be great.
He's also the host of the excellent podcast Monster Talk.

Please consider it!
I want to suggest Ben Radford as a guest for the show. He's got a new book out called "Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore." He's probably looking for places to promote the book and I think the Paracast would be great.
He's also the host of the excellent podcast Monster Talk.

Please consider it!

Aha, vampires! Well, we'll consider it. Chris follows the monster scene more closely than I do, so it's his call. :)
Ben Radford is also the person mostly behind the 'Jerusalem UFO' expose. I have had a sampling of Mr. Radford's analytical methods from his 'Jerusalem UFO' article writen for Discovery Channel, and also picked up by CBS news. I have had brief discussions with Ben regarding the 'Jerusalem UFO' in the comments section of his article. His analytical skills stink. Quick conclusions based on air is all I ever got from him. But we'll see.
A whole book debunking the Chupracarbra? Couldn't get enough info on the Piltdown man or the Billy Meier case huhh? :p

I did see a Southeastern Jackalope in North Alabama one day. These things migrated from Southwest Texas. I've seen the damage they can do so beware the Jackalope. Mayby Ben can take this one on next. But beware those thangs frum Texas will Bite You! :p

It would be really interesting. He has done a TON of research on the Chupacabra and he has formulated an explanation to what he thinks it is.

....A panoply of disease riddled dogs, wolves, possums, raccoons and badgers. The occasional drug induced delusion. Neurotic families transferring household dysfunction onto the Supernatural. Case solved. I vote "pass."
Well he is a skeptic, so he may scare certain people off. He did do the research on the topic though. Of course, due to bias, some will say he didn't do the work.
And you'll have a chance to pose your questions, because he has indicated to me he's ready to come on in the next few weeks — after we get a copy of his new book, of course.