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Guest Suggestion: Bill Chalker

Free episodes:

The Pair of Cats

a.k.a Philip Deane
Firstly, thanks to Goody for suggesting Bill Chalker as a guest in the first place. I think he would definately make an interesting guest.

Check out this link to a report that he had authored "THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY".

Ah, i see this researcher has come up before i joined.
im going to one of his apperances on the 17th and had intended to mention the paracast to him , but i may be covering old ground.

did he ever guest on the paracast ?

for all i know the hosts may have already decided hes a "name that should not be mentioned"
The Pair of Cats said:
Firstly, thanks to Goody for suggesting Bill Chalker as a guest in the first place. I think he would definately make an interesting guest.

Check out this link to a report that he had authored "THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY".


Thankyou Pair of Cats for giving me credit :rolleyes:, I would love to see this man appear on the Paracast. Bill definately has his head screwed on tight & is a very intelligent, well spoken man who would make an excellant guest on The Paracast.

Bill weighs up his opinions with a healthy depth of skepticism & an open mind, these qualities are predominant upon hearing Mr. Chalker present his bias & would make for an excellant listen.

Also Mike, he is yet to appear on The Paracast, but hopefully due to popular demand he will be heard in the future.

i met bill yesterday, and gave him printouts of the sites front page and list of episodes, (thats a long list of some mighty fine listening btw) and asked him to drop by.
i said there was some interest from forum members for him to do an interview and he knew who gene was.

i hope he does do an interview , looking at the exhibit yesterday he seems to be australias leading ufo researcher

I'd love to hear Bill Chalker on The Paracast. Check out his biography. I recently heard him on Binnall of America, and he comes across as very rational. He doesn't take any or every UFO story at face value, and is very knowledgeable about Australia's extensive and fascinating UFO history. He's a working scientist who takes an open minded approach to the UFO phenomenon - something which is refreshing to see.

We want Bill Chalker:exclamation:

Please? :D

Contact Bill Chalker
I'm trying, believe me....'Bill CHALKER, BILL CHALKER!!!'

Anyway, thanks for re-birthing this thread, Good ol' Chalk is the bomb.
