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Guest suggestion: J. Allan Danelek

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I heard J. Allan Danelek on the Paranormal Podcast the other day. He has a new book out called The Great Airship of 1897, in which he offers a completely new perspective on the mystery. I think he might be an intriguing guest. http://www.ourcuriousworld.com/

Ah ... I've heard seen Danelek's name from time to time but never really took much notice of him ... but the Great Airship flap is a really interesting and odd series of incidents. So ... I checked out the EUP podcast which is linked to from his site, and where he now apparently does a 10 minute spot or something.

Anyway ... going through the archives, I discovered that Mr Danelek has co-written a book with the one ... the only ... Stan Romanek!!!!.

Sooo ... I have a straaange feeling that Mr Danelek will not be a guest on the Paracast any time soon even though he might have written a fabulous book about the Great Airship flap ... merely because of the strong Romanek connection. But I'll give some of his interviews and things a listen to and see what he's got to say.

[Oh and that "Exploring Unexplained Phenomena" (EUP) podcast ... which has apparently been going since 1984 ... is seriously "whooooo wooooooo" by the way :D]
On the podcast I listened to, he did mention some involvement with the Romanek case, but I was unaware he'd co-written a book with him. He claimed there was some genuine paranormal activity going on with Romanek, though I happen to believe it's all a hoax. As for being a guest, I don't think his involvement with Romanek would necessarily rule him out. Would it be worth it to bring him on the show to answer some questions about that whole mess? I guess that decision would be up to Gene, or whoever.
Michael Busby's _Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery_ seems to cover similar ground, with no need for paranormal or extraterrestrial explanations. He spends a lot of time tracking the airships from their reported appearances in newspapers and trying to identify reported airship builders and his explanation seems plausible to me, especially of the Aurora incident.