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Guest suggestion:John Greenewald, Jr

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He has already been on once.

And this brings me to a question for Gene or David. Wasn't there mention of a tape cassette that had transmissions I think from the UFO incident at OHare involving the FAA?? I may be "mis-remembering" (borrowing that from Roger Clemens) what the tapes were about, but I think he said he would send them to David because he didn't have a tape player. Am I remembering this right??
TClaeys said:
He has already been on once.

And this brings me to a question for Gene or David. Wasn't there mention of a tape cassette that had transmissions I think from the UFO incident at OHare involving the FAA?? I may be "mis-remembering" (borrowing that from Roger Clemens) what the tapes were about, but I think he said he would send them to David because he didn't have a tape player. Am I remembering this right??

He was on, you're right. And this thing about the tape sounds familiar, but sometimes on the Paracast guests seem to claim they will send something in then...nothing. I don't know if this is one of those examples.