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Guest suggestion: Steven Aftergood on Government Secrecy

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Paranormal Adept
From his bio at Federation of American Scientistshttp://www.fas.org/:
"Steven Aftergood directs the Project on Government Secrecy, which works to reduce the scope of official secrecy and to promote public access to government information.

He writes Secrecy News, an email newsletter (and blog) which reports on new developments in secrecy policy for more than 10,000 subscribers in media, government and among the general public."

Aftergood is an expert in the real tactics and policies of USG secrecy and is knowledgeable about secret aircraft programs, the black budget, Area 51 etc. He was the co-author of the "Mystery Aircraft" report at the FAS site which examined alleged black projects like Aurora and the TR-3A. He's also made an effort to involve and inform the UFO community on secrecy matters. I believe he would be a great source for examining the issue of what paranormal secrets the government might hold and provide insight on what methods would be practical and productive in pursuing disclosure.