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Guest Suggestion: Thomas Bullard

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Paranormal Novice
One of the few serious academics in this field is Thomas Bullard. I just noticed that Seth Shostak's podcast scored an interview with him. Do not be outdone!
There was a very interesting exchange between Bullard, Dennis Stillings, and Hilary Evans in MAGONIA in the early 90's. The debate centered around whether variations between individual abduction reports constitute evidence for or against the objective reality of those reports, as well as whether abduction narratives behave the rules of folklore (if any such rules exist).

If you don't mind entering in medias res:
Variation Enigmas; Folklore Rules. Thomas Bullard Hilary Evans - MAGONIA

The exchange is useful in two respects. It raises intriguing points about the methodological assumptions that different folklorists bring to their analyses of abduction narratives. It also functions as a revealing snapshot of a discourse community at work on a problem, struggling with the vicissitudes of conflicting hermeneutic strategies.

Bullard would indeed be a fascinating interview.