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Gulf Breeze Six

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Paranormal Maven
So I picked up the latest issue of Open Minds and it has an article on the Gulf Breeze Six. I had heard of the story but knew nothing about it. While I didn't think the article was particularly well written, it was enough to inspire me to do a little extra research and I ran across this summary:

The Gulf Breeze Six

What's everyone think of this story? I'm particularly interested in the Ouija communication, especially in light of the recent show with Rosemary Ellen Guilley.
Maybe what we need is a separate thread called "Distractions" where we can post all these bizarre side trips and tidbits of ufology subculture. I think that as a collection they would be very interesting from a psycho-sociological / trivia point of view.
Oh man, the Gulf Breeze 6. Oh yes I remember that case. I conducted some research on that when it first made the news and if I recall we did something in UFO Magazine about it. I will have to go digging and check my files. But! If I recall from the dim recess of my mind, these guys were military intelligence, fooling around with the Ouija board and some of the alleged communications somehow tied in with some of the information that Bill Cooper was peddling.

Damn! Now suddenly I am interested in it. Let me dig around and see what I come up with. It may be a while, days or even a week but let me dig around.

Here's a weird bit of possibly related Gulf Breeze trivia, an odd claim about the Cash-Landrum case that appeared in "the Krill Papers" (from http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/cthulhu/krill.txt, apparently written in late January 1991):
"One of the women involved thinks that the aliens are Satanic and said so recently in a full-page ad in the Gulf Breeze, Fla. Sentinel."
Certainly the source is questionable. I've seen no other reference to this sensational claim or any hint of evidence that it is accurate.
Maybe what we need is a separate thread called "Distractions" where we can post all these bizarre side trips and tidbits of ufology subculture. I think that as a collection they would be very interesting from a psycho-sociological / trivia point of view.

Well, regardless of where one stands on the possible connection between ufos/ occult,I have felt that it is talked about enough times that maybe there should be a seperate forum thread for this subject instead of posting say in freewheeling chit chat. It helps if one wants to look at various opinions on this subject that any associated posts about it would be relegated to it's own subforum under "discuss the ufo mystery"
Damn! Now suddenly I am interested in it. Let me dig around and see what I come up with. It may be a while, days or even a week but let me dig around.

Do it!

I think what's most interesting about this case is that you just about have to believe that something strange really happened here. After all, six military guys aren't going to go AWOL and face possible court martial to perpetrate a hoax for the lulz. Not only that, but we don't just have ONE guy who did this, but SIX different guys, so we're not just dealing with some delusional individual who is easy to write off.

Everything I've read says that it revolves around a series of Ouija board communications--including several very specific prophecies that came true. If that's the case, what is the explanation?
Do it!

I think what's most interesting about this case is that you just about have to believe that something strange really happened here. After all, six military guys aren't going to go AWOL and face possible court martial to perpetrate a hoax for the lulz. Not only that, but we don't just have ONE guy who did this, but SIX different guys, so we're not just dealing with some delusional individual who is easy to write off.

Everything I've read says that it revolves around a series of Ouija board communications--including several very specific prophecies that came true. If that's the case, what is the explanation?
i think it was 5 guys, one gal. MKUltra experiment maybe?