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"Hard and Fast"

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Paranormal Maven
Leslie, your new book title: "Hard and Fast"

A few points:

1. It shows that these craft are real (hard)
2. It demonstrates that they have incredible performance envelopes (fast)
3. It's a short, sweet and memorable name, very catchy

Finally, the actual meaning of the phrase is "Rigidly adhered to - without doubt or debate." It affirms strongly our thoughts on the UFO issue.

Anyway, think about it. The idea came to me as I was listening to you during the broadcast.

Great show, guys. Keep up the good work. Persistence is the key. Money will come. Guaranteed. :shy:
Leslie, your new book title: "Hard and Fast"

A few points:

1. It shows that these craft are real (hard)
2. It demonstrates that they have incredible performance envelopes (fast)
3. It's a short, sweet and memorable name, very catchy

Finally, the actual meaning of the phrase is "Rigidly adhered to - without doubt or debate." It affirms strongly our thoughts on the UFO issue.

Anyway, think about it. The idea came to me as I was listening to you during the broadcast.

Great show, guys. Keep up the good work. Persistence is the key. Money will come. Guaranteed. :shy:
I think I saw that movie once ... I mean, I don't watch that sort of thing, I swear:D
I don't like it. We live in a pretty immature society (myself included :D). That title has too much of a sexual insinuation to it.
I don't like it. We live in a pretty immature society (myself included :D). That title has too much of a sexual insinuation to it.

I agree. Not that I'm averse to the sexual connotation... I just don't think it suits the subject matter at all.
I don't like it. We live in a pretty immature society (myself included :D). That title has too much of a sexual insinuation to it.

Your immaturity isn't and shouldn't part of the equation.

I agree. Not that I'm averse to the sexual connotation... I just don't think it suits the subject matter at all.

Doesn't suit the subject matter? Dude, what part of my explanation didn't do it for you? UFOs are hard objects (real) and they move fast.

The fact that you two guys can't keep your heads out of the gutter speaks more about your lack of class than any aspect of the suitability of this phrase as a book title. A book title is supposed to be catchy and relevant. "Hard and Fast" is both.

Not to mention, I don't mind a bit of criticism (in fact, I invite it) but let's hear your intelligent ideas. Got any? :cool:
I like the "Sex, Lies, and UFOs" idea. But then, as was mentioned on the show, there is the problem of somehow working sex into the content. Perhaps the cover could depict a lady in a skimpy Air Force-esque uniform modeling next to a flying saucer in a hangar? That doesn't seem like Ms. (or Mrs.) Keen's style, however.

How about something that alludes to the Sex, Lies, and UFOs title. For example, "Jets, Lies, and UFOs."
Here's a few more suggestions,
First four are more serious.

  • Turning the Tide
  • When the Blinkers are Removed
  • The Illusive 2%
  • Explicit Visits
  • If Angelina were an Alien
  • EBE Does Dallas
  • Is Alien Sex Grounds for Divorce?
Ok guys take aim,

Your immaturity isn't and shouldn't part of the equation.

Doesn't suit the subject matter? Dude, what part of my explanation didn't do it for you? UFOs are hard objects (real) and they move fast.

The fact that you two guys can't keep your heads out of the gutter speaks more about your lack of class than any aspect of the suitability of this phrase as a book title. A book title is supposed to be catchy and relevant. "Hard and Fast" is both.

Not to mention, I don't mind a bit of criticism (in fact, I invite it) but let's hear your intelligent ideas. Got any? :cool:

Gez, sounds like someone is taking it TOO seriously. ::)
For what it's worth, Leslie thought the title H&F had too much of a sexual connotation, so I guess her mind is in the gutter as well. :p

My title idea: UFOs - No Belief Required

My title idea: UFOs - No Belief Required


I like that. This subject needs to be moved beyond the question of belief. People are still hung up on believing in UFOs. UFOs, in the purest definition of the term, exist, period.

Anyone that says UFOs do not exist are fooling themselves and others. Schermer and company, that is directed towards you.
Here's a few more suggestions,
First four are more serious.

  • Turning the Tide
  • When the Blinkers are Removed
  • The Illusive 2%
  • Explicit Visits
  • If Angelina were an Alien
  • EBE Does Dallas
  • Is Alien Sex Grounds for Divorce?
Ok guys take aim,

"EBE Does Dallas", now that's funny!