FeralNormal master
not only w/tapatalk today but with four different browsers
on tapatalk after signing in, i'd click on forums , then category , then subforum and every time i tried to start a new post or reply to one the app would jump over to the "latest" threads and i'd have to navigate back and click through only to have the same thing happen allover. finally igave up and just scrolled through the latest thread until i found the thread i wanted to comment on or start new thread.
on my gs4 i have three browsers, the built in phone browser, the chrome browser and a 3rd party app (opera mini) i was able to log in on those browsers but after sucessfully doing so and attempting to post i would get an error message telling me that i must be logged in to do so...even though i was...this has happened again and again and usually after copying and pasting the message i was finally able to post. before i went home i stopped at the library and tried via library computer...not sure what version of IE it's using but again, same thing. i had to relog in four times before it "took" . again i copied this message to clipboard in case it deleted it because i wasn't looged in ... YES I AM !!!!
now it shows me logged in, as i'm getting this dialog box but after hitting "post Reply" i'm getting the error message (you must be logged in) and then when i get the log in page and attempt to log in ( I am logged in and i even clicked the stay logged in button, still no love) it's telling me "this action is available only by post please hit back button" and i do and then i get back here again. i feel like a dog chasing his tail. perhaps i PO'ed the trickster
on tapatalk after signing in, i'd click on forums , then category , then subforum and every time i tried to start a new post or reply to one the app would jump over to the "latest" threads and i'd have to navigate back and click through only to have the same thing happen allover. finally igave up and just scrolled through the latest thread until i found the thread i wanted to comment on or start new thread.
on my gs4 i have three browsers, the built in phone browser, the chrome browser and a 3rd party app (opera mini) i was able to log in on those browsers but after sucessfully doing so and attempting to post i would get an error message telling me that i must be logged in to do so...even though i was...this has happened again and again and usually after copying and pasting the message i was finally able to post. before i went home i stopped at the library and tried via library computer...not sure what version of IE it's using but again, same thing. i had to relog in four times before it "took" . again i copied this message to clipboard in case it deleted it because i wasn't looged in ... YES I AM !!!!

now it shows me logged in, as i'm getting this dialog box but after hitting "post Reply" i'm getting the error message (you must be logged in) and then when i get the log in page and attempt to log in ( I am logged in and i even clicked the stay logged in button, still no love) it's telling me "this action is available only by post please hit back button" and i do and then i get back here again. i feel like a dog chasing his tail. perhaps i PO'ed the trickster