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Harmful UFOs

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J. Randall Murphy
People in Brazil Report Injection Like Wounds Associated
With Harmful Beams of Light. Air Force Investigates.
The Investigation is called Operation Saucer.

Published to YouTube on Dec 2, 2013, this show investigates the 1977 reports of UFO activity over Colares, Brazil where locals were said to have been physically zapped by beams from flying disks over a period of two months, and the Brazilian government was said to have suppressed video and photographic evidence ... ( See the YouTube comments about the video for more info. )
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UFO encounters in South America reflect a history of somewhat more physically aggressive behavior than in most locales, do they not ?

Yes noted on that point.. the reports of close encounters seem to be very much on the aggressive physical side.

Some reason it reminds me of this


If i recall there have been a large number of very aggressive sightings in the outback of Australia near the atomic test site .. Should ask Mike what he knows since he lives over there.


Pine gap if you do not know is a base in the middle of absolutely nowhere in Australia.
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FYI: The locals dubbed this "Chupa-Chupa" (Suck-Suck) as they believed these lights were sucking the blood from their bodies. The questions is if this is just a myth that took a life of it's own or if there were genuine reports of UFOs. From what little research I've done into the case it seems there were genuine UFOs and mysterious lights reported. The claims of harm and even death from UFOs really can not be backed up. There's no indication that blood was removed. People did report burns but the burns pretty much were indistinguishable from sunburn. I know for a fact that one death that was claimed due to the Chupa-Chupa was ruled at autopsy to have been cardiac arrest. I strongly wonder if this is the beginning of the Chupacabra phenomenon. Did it start here as "Chupa-Chupa" and then travel to Puerto Rico and became "Chupacabra?" It's hard to say. However, in both are claims that something is sucking the blood from animals or people. I think that's a very interesting connection.
Yes noted on that point.. the reports of close encounters seem to be very much on the aggressive physical side.

Some reason it reminds me of this


If i recall there have been a large number of very aggressive sightings in the outback of Australia near the atomic test site .. Should ask Mike what he knows since he lives over there.


Pine gap if you do not know is a base in the middle of absolutely nowhere in Australia.

Ive heard bits and pieces, including its the new area 51, ie all the ET tech at A51 was transfered there when the US A51 became too well known.

But thats just some guy (might have been bill chalker) at some UFO event.
But its an idea thats taken off

pine gap australia area 51 - Bing

I do have a first hand story from a Hewlett Packard technical support guy who was once flown there to service some equipment that had failed.
I recounts a massive computer room bigger than any hes ever seen, and apart from the usual protocols of getting onto a military base, noted the unusual practise of covers being put over every single bit of gear in the room exect the machine needing a service call.
Perhaps it was Bill

Bill Chalker wrote for the Australasian UFOLogist that "William Martin" a major NSA defector revealed that US has been carrying out continuous research into electromagnetic propulsion at Pine Gap since 1966. This was originally started in US after the war. It was necessary to move this to more remote spots.
Security aspects have included hypnotic and post hypnotic keys planted in personnel prior into acceptance into the project. Apparently 2 Pine Gap employees visiting Perth spoke of electromagnetic devices manifesting as UFOs and even alien beings at Pine Gap. Also 3 witnesses saw a camouflaged door open up within Pine Gap and a circular metallic craft rose vertically and silently, before taking off at high speed.
This collaborates what we were told in the Fortress Australia article. Billy Dee was sent a post about a man who claimed his father worked on UFOs at Pine Gap. He worked for the FAA most of his life and also worked at the Traffic Control Centre in Seymour CA in 1970 fixing the programming of mainframe computers. he was one of only 2 or 3 in the US who knew whatever program they were installing.
During the late 70's he made several trips to Washington DC, Atlantic City and Australia. He wasn't allowed to talk to his wife about what he did, saying it was beyond his control. She would get mad at his long trips to Australia. When the parents came to visit on one of their usual 'sudden' arrivals and departures, the man noticed a locked briefcase that was chained to him. They were followed by 2 men everywhere in a car. They too, became under constant surveillance and their phone was tapped. The son noticed vans with govt.. license plates following him everywhere too and started getting threatening phone calls.
After confronting his father he confessed that he was working on a flying saucer, involved with anti-gravity propulsion, melding the computer elements together for the guidance or stability part of it, underground at Pine Gap. He said that he could get ANY information on his son to prove what he said was true. The next day he called and revealed all his personal business and told him to be quiet and not make waves or they would not be around.
The Fake Second Coming - 08
Colares can be revisited right here on the forum: UFO Malevolence | The Paracast Community Forums

But the really detailed material is here at this site, the most thorough look at the incident: ufo - UFOS at close sight: Colares 1977, article by Daniel Rebisso Giese

After searching for a while of actually intentionally harmful contact between the UFO and humans the Colares incident stands out. If you throw traditional abduction reports into the grey basket of hypnosis, and look at all those incidents involving planes as pilot problems, then these beams of lights from flying refrigerator sized objcrs that penetrated walls, burned and puckered skin and ultimately death, as reported in some cases, is a real head scratcher. There's something entirely systematic in this event, like an animal tagging of some sorts - very disturbing.
Have to agree with this thread not all fluffy marshmallows just have to look at Mr D.P. missing folks . More research in this element they owe it to the families of missing children, men and women.
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Colares can be revisited right here on the forum: UFO Malevolence | The Paracast Community Forums

But the really detailed material is here at this site, the most thorough look at the incident: ufo - UFOS at close sight: Colares 1977, article by Daniel Rebisso Giese

After searching for a while of actually intentionally harmful contact between the UFO and humans the Colares incident stands out. If you throw traditional abduction reports into the grey basket of hypnosis, and look at all those incidents involving planes as pilot problems, then these beams of lights from flying refrigerator sized objcrs that penetrated walls, burned and puckered skin and ultimately death, as reported in some cases, is a real head scratcher. There's something entirely systematic in this event, like an animal tagging of some sorts - very disturbing.

Sorry I missed that. I didn't think to search for "Malevolence" in the title before creating the thread. Glad you included a link to the other thread :D.
"In 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares and the area of the Amazon delta were visited by flying objects of an unknown nature. Nearly all kinds of UFOs were seen, some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, barrel-shaped, luminous or not. They arrived generally from the North every day, from the sky and also sometimes from underwater, and it lasted for months. Regularly, some Island's inhabitants were targeted by the objects beaming strange lights at them, and many were badly hurt. The Air Force came, investigated, saw, reported. The weird rays hurt thirty-five people, and civilians fled from entire villages."
ufo - UFOS at close sight: Colares 1977, article by Daniel Rebisso Giese

The interesting features of these sightings include their persistence over months as if something systematic was underway. Even in the discussion of the wall, metal and ceramic tile penetrating light beams we have reports of the beams themselves traveling along one then the other leg of a person. Victims talked of the beams looking for veins, and that after being hit by the beams they felt anemic as if their blood had been taken from them, hence their name "Chupa-Chupa". The other strange feature is the reports of so many different kinds of ships being sighted alongside major military observation. It's a very fascinating story and am surprised it has not receivded more attention over the years.
This is an interview with the Knowles family the day after the incident. The many surreal personal effects include warm goo, black dust, vehicle manipulations, brain invasion, the slowing of time, the lowering of voice pitches - it's a wild sensory overload for this family as they ride on the eclectic Oz alien rollercoaster. It's something else alright!

There are two interviews with the family and some nice extra Australian UFO bits in the middle. This is a case worth thinking more about.

It really gives the impression of more of a sentient life form, like a wasp that has a bead on you and won't give up.
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Oddly first time seen this and the mother body actions show she was pretty shaken by the event? Also been on the Nunabore plan -road to drive at night pot holes, gravel and old mining ghost towns along with few stop off. Also what was tested years ago in South Australia?