Skilled Investigator
Has NASA found an ancient wall on Mars ?
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This whole "finding" of objects, faces and manufactured features inside photos from Mars is really getting ridiculous. Don't these people have real lives in the real world? Richard Hoaxland's claim of finding a Martian VW several years ago should have been a wake up call to all of us—especially all these amateur Martian photo analysts, but NOOO instead, it has unleashed an army of true-believin, magnifying glass wielding OCD patients. Many, I'd bet, living in their Mom's basement, getting woodys whenever they find the latest face of Jesus or crab-in-a-cave on Mars. I do admire that they are pouring over thousands and thousands and thousands of fuzzy images of the Martian laandscape and I do hope that maybe some day one of them will get lucky and truly something significant.
I do admire that they are pouring over thousands and thousands and thousands of fuzzy images of the Martian landscape and I do hope that maybe some day one of them will get lucky and truly something significant.