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Having trouble streaming the podcasts

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Paranormal Maven
I haven't been able to stream the podcasts normally from the paracast.com page for about a week. Any show I try to stream turns into digital gibberish after a few minutes. Has anything changed on your end? Just to clarify, I'm not using the plus service just the normal one. You've had some interesting shows and I can't seem to hear them any more. Referring specifically to the recent Redfern show and others. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks for any advice!

Edit: I just noticed Gene's Centurylink thread; unfortunately, I am also on Centurylink. Hmmm.
It may be your ISP, it may be your firewall settings, it may be the browser.

FYI: We've had no other complaints, and everything tests OK here. But with more information maybe I can assist.
Just a heads up Gene that the shows keep freezing up on me.. Not the browser unless you know of any known issues with FireFox, but the telling thing is it will also do it on my Mac in Safari as well.
Has anyone else been having this issue?

By the way this is not listening live but playing from the links on the Paracast homepage.
Just a heads up Gene that the shows keep freezing up on me.. Not the browser unless you know of any known issues with FireFox, but the telling thing is it will also do it on my Mac in Safari as well.
Has anyone else been having this issue?

By the way this is not listening live but playing from the links on the Paracast homepage.
Download 'em and listen that way.
It should work fine. We have a powerful server on a speedy network. That doesn't mean things aren't slowing down due to someone's Internet connection though.
It should work fine. We have a powerful server on a speedy network. That doesn't mean things aren't slowing down due to someone's Internet connection though.

No it is not a speed problem.. what happens is the show will play to say 10 or 15 mins and will not play past there at all (it just simply stops).. reload the show and the same thing will happen at some point. Issue has only come up lately.
I used to be able to fast forward and rewind the show on the time bar but that seems to not work either.
Odd as hell... I turned off plugins such as Google disconnect and No script etc but same thing happens so I am sure it is not a plugin issue either.. Sort of at a bit of a loss .. a head scratcher.

Just download the shows on I-tunes from here on in is the trick I suspect.
Thanks Gene.. I will work it out, if no change your end then it is either a browser issue or my ISP is being crap again.
I had the same issues using the Opera browser. Some programs would play 15-20 minutes and then stop. I did upgrade my browser and my problems have cleared up.