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Headless Animals Litter Miami Neighborhood

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[The practice of ritual blood sacrifice is not limited to backwater third-world countries. Belief systems such as Santeria, Voodun & Condemble can be found world-wide including the USA. --Chris]


A gruesome Halloween mystery came to a Miami neighborhood Thursday morning when residents awoke to find dozens of dead, headless animals dumped down their street.

About a dozen goats, cats and different types of birds were laid out on nearly two blocks between 16th Terrace and 15th Terrace on 34th Avenue in Miami, leaving residents scared at what might be next as Halloween approaches.

"Nothing had a head," said Marioly Perez, who was awakened by screeching tires as a car peeled out down the street. "I have never seen anything like this. It's scary."

Miami Police believe the dead animals might have been part of a religious ritual like a Santeria, but those don't usually involve cats. There was also a "very large" animal that no one could identify, residents said.

It all started when something went bump in the night outside. A loud boom woke residents and the sounds of a fast-moving car caused them to come outside.

When they walked out, the scene resembled something from a nightmare - a trail of headless animals with body parts strewn everywhere.

Perez said the smell was suffocating and that it seemed like the animals had been dead for some time.
"We all love animals here. This is very, very depressing. You don't know what kind of crazy people are around your neighborhood," resident Josefine Pita said. "It's very, very scary because you don't know if they are going to steal your animal."

The City's Sanitation Department cleared away the animal carcasses, while the Fire Department hosed down the Street. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Miami Police Department or call Crimestoppers at 305-471-TIPS.
OKay, even with Constitutional rights, there are limits.
Freedom of Speech has it's limits, for example...you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. The ensuing stampede and panic would injure/kill a lot of people.
You won't find many people who more vigorously defends Freedom of Religion than I do, but even I understand this has it's limits too. Your religious rights end where mine begin.
We have laws that protect animals, especially against cruelty to them. I don't understand how the Supreme Court can say it's ok to sacrifice animals, and that somehow trumps cruelty laws, but I guess I'll just have to live with that.

This event however, does not seem to have any religious connections. It appears to be some sick, twisted idea of fun for someone. Some person(s) seems to think it's funny to behead some animals and dump them in a neighborhood to shock and scare. That is just wrong wrong wrong. With it being this close to Halloween, this is more than likely some kids who have no respect for living things out for some "shock and awe".
And yes I am an animal lover, a non-human person lover, but even that has it's limits for me. I do not agree with what PETA is usually doing, and I do understand having to use mice, rats, etc as lab animals in the medical industry to try and save human lives. I also understand some animals are bred specifically for food, as long as they are treated humanely, I have no problem with that. After all, animals eating animals is about as natural as it gets.

But to do someting like this to animals? NO. This is a crime plain and simple, one that needs prosecuting to the full extent.
I might be wrong but I heard of a similar case not a whole long time ago...within the last few months. Same thing...decapitated small animals-cats specifically. I don't remember if it was ever solved.

Whether it's ritual or something more malevolent, I abhor the practice.