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Hearing the Voice and disappearing

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Paranormal Tyro
See here: Tasmanian Times

I would label this as total crap right away if it were not for the fact that Clif High and his Half Past Human web bot operation have proven their accuracy on many occasion...so I am giving this idea a 0.01% benefit of the doubt. Clif's counterpart, George Ure, posted this link on his site (UrbanSurvival.com Daily News Update) in relation to their "Disappearances" meme. I don't really expect this to amount to anything at all, but since this is a high strangeness forum - I thought I'd ask.

Has anyone heard anything about this/know anything about this? Can anyone prove it's legitimate or just plain crap on the monitor?

Are you asking if food prices are zooming up? If so, yeah. That's why I have a garden and means of gathering game.
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Very strange article, very lyrical in nature. Sounds like 'The Rapture, one person at a time.' Unless these people can be proven to have disappeared I wouldn't put much stock in it. I would think that if people were truly disappearing, there would be some serious fall-out from it.
Sorry, I read the wrong link first. Perhaps they are modulating into a different frequency of matter. I am beginning to sense that all perceived phenomenon is just an interference pattern in an electromagnetic field. If one can in some way change their "fundamental tone" they can shift into a different "reality." They may not even know anything happened. There may be another you wherever they are now.
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Very strange article, very lyrical in nature. Sounds like 'The Rapture, one person at a time.' Unless these people can be proven to have disappeared I wouldn't put much stock in it. I would think that if people were truly disappearing, there would be some serious fall-out from it.

Right, well it depends on who goes missing and how many people go missing after claiming to hear this voice. A while back I found the FBI's missing persons stats on the web and the annual numbers are pretty big. I suppose the only way to prove this phenomenon is legit is if a large number of people come forward claiming their friend or relative was talking about hearing this voice and then they vanished a few days later. One or two people coming forward hardly means anything, but if throngs come forward then there may be something to it.
Wow.What the hell is THAAT all about? I finally read that article that has been occupying its own tab all day, now that Im about to go to bed.

Strange piece. Is the guys a script writer? Maybe thats a creative writing site.

(I know its not). While I was reading it I was reminded of my common thought I have about reality and human existence. Thinking about reincarnation and the whole idea of other dimensions I sometimes imagine that we are all just walking around with an gazillion years of intelligence. For some reason we have come into this dimension to spend time on Earth and the only thing stopping us from remembering is a type of amnesia.

Like we all can feel that there is something huge; some massive secret that we have used to know but have somehow forgotten. And when we try the sense that it is just beyond our ability to grasp, or remember. Then we go on and forget about our forgetfulness. Maybe these people in the article are hearing some preconceived message from the other realms... "it is time", then it al come flooding back and they walk off and disappear through the fabric of space in a Myer changing room.

or not:rolleyes:
HAHAHAHAHAH Its a work of fiction! Why am I laughing BTW? Read the comments section. Heres a taste:

  1. Jon,
    Thanks for sharing your insight into a topic that is taboo unless you don’t mind being looked upon as a candidate for the loony bin. Nine years ago I was “told” to pack my bags and leave, to go to the Missouri Ozarks (hill country) and settle down as I “would be safe” there. Since then I have been given wonderful insight into the coming events for us on Planet Earth and it is not good. My ears have been ringing almost constantly now for the past year, and as the “time” draws closer strange synchronicities regarding my several digital clocks are occurring almost daily, i.e. seeing 11:11, 12:48 (1+1=2 2+2=4 4+4=8), 9:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 12:34 etc). I have since discovered I am not alone in this time code phenomenon. I have chosen to stay thru the coming events because evidently I came here to “experience” this happening, which apparently involves, for the first time, a physical body moving into a higher dimension, most likely the 6th, because the 4th is basically Hell, inhabited by the Reptilians, and the 5th is where the soul goes after death. So there, do you see why I’m a candidate for the nut house and can’t discuss any of this with anyone I know…
    Posted by <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var l=new Array(); l[0]='>';l[1]='a';l[2]='/';l[3]='<';l[4]=' 107';l[5]=' 114';l[6]=' 97';l[7]=' 77';l[8]='>';l[9]='\&quot;';l[10]=' 109';l[11]=' 111';l[12]=' 99';l[13]=' 46';l[14]=' 111';l[15]=' 111';l[16]=' 104';l[17]=' 97';l[18]=' 121';l[19]=' 64';l[20]=' 114';l[21]=' 106';l[22]=' 101';l[23]=' 99';l[24]=' 97';l[25]=' 112';l[26]=' 114';l[27]=' 109';l[28]=':';l[29]='o';l[30]='t';l[31]='l';l[32]='i';l[33]='a';l[34]='m';l[35]='\&quot;';l[36]='=';l[37]='f';l[38]='e';l[39]='r';l[40]='h';l[41]='a ';l[42]='<'; for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ if (l.substring(0, 1) == ' ') document.write(&quot;&#&quot;+unescape(l.substring(1))+&quot;;&quot;); else document.write(unescape(l)); } //]]> </script>Mark on 15/05/09 at 12:48 AM

Then Jon writes:

Public Notice about the story ’On the Beach’.
On the Beach is a work of fiction. It was, in truth, written after the fever dream described in the story. However, none of the events described in the story occurred or are real. No-one disappeared from Mt Nelson or Glenorchy.
In the end this story was, for me, creative writing in the first-person style epitomised by the fictional, but often seen as real, writing of Dr John Watson, who chronicled the adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
I wrote in this style and I wrote a fictional story. There is nothing wrong with reading a fictional story and having that story mean something to you, but like The Wizard of EarthSea, it is fiction.
Sincerely Yours,
Jon Sumby.

Theres other funny comments worth reading.
Yep, read the update a little earlier. Can't say I'm surprised, although Ure seems to be in denial based on other emails flooding his inbox. Sounds like a big crapfest to me, but we'll see what happens....
Yep, read the update a little earlier. Can't say I'm surprised, although Ure seems to be in denial based on other emails flooding his inbox. Sounds like a big crapfest to me, but we'll see what happens....

Whos Ure? Why would anyone be in denial after the dude admitted it was fiction?
Whos Ure? Why would anyone be in denial after the dude admitted it was fiction?

Sorry, I didn't explain that very well - George Ure is the man behind this site: UrbanSurvival.com Daily News Update who initially posted the fictional story.

Why does he still pursue the subject with a conviction of credibility?
Probably because his pal Clif High of Half Past Human - Home has suggested we will see more 'disappearances' in the near future.

What does that mean?
I have no idea. These guys predicted a whirlwind of shit starting on October 7 of 2008, and they were pretty much right, but a good portion of what they foresee just doesn't manifest. I would bet money that this 'disappearances' thing amounts to squat...
Is that Cliff High dude credible? Never heard of him until and interview last week. Does he have a good track record that can be checked?
Is that Cliff High dude credible? Never heard of him until and interview last week. Does he have a good track record that can be checked?

Well...I think the issue is reliability, not credibility.

I think he is somewhat paranoid and his opinions are questionable, so I don't pay much attention to them.

I think his work is touch and go. It sounds like a pretty fascinating process but he has never fully disclosed his operation because that's his business. Based on the idea that we are all latently psychic, Clif writes code that sifts through public forums on the internet looking for archetypes from which he can infer future events. The trouble is that 1) he interprets the data, so interpretations are subject to his own bias, and 2) sifting through a select group of english-speaking internet forums is incredibly limiting. He once described it as essentially reading the headlines of a newspaper in the future. If that is really what it is, then that is still an unsatisfactory take on the future, given the current state of our media...but it's a work in progress, I guess.

I cannot fully judge his track record, because I don't subscribe to his newsletters. Every now and then, through outlets such as Jeff Rense and his pal George Ure, Clif reveals forecasts that are either broad-sweeping or so important that he feels it is necessary to warn people about them for preparedness sake. As I said earlier, he foresaw about 5 months worth of emotional turmoil starting on October 7, 2008 - and he saw this about 9 months before it happened. After the tailspin our economy went into last fall [technically on October 8], I don't think anyone can deny the veracity of that prognostication.

But from my experience listening to all his (free) predictions in the last year and half, I can say that he tends to overreact about a lot of the data he finds. On top of that, the data usually resides in obscurity until the event unfolds, or soon before. So, while it is highly enticing to hear about what may be coming our way, I take it all with a shaker full of salt and try to remember that I am living for today - not tomorrow.

In case you were curious, here is the latest broad-sweeping prediction George Ure posted about 2009 events [from Friday, May 15]:

Oh-oh. Here we go again. Calendar watch time. I can't remember how long ago I told you to put a circle on October 26th (plus or minus a week or so) but that was when Iran would be attacked but oh, my frigging goodness, have you see the "Report: U.S., Allies Put October Deadline on Progress from Iran"?

This is all starting to become almost 'other-worldly' too clear to me: Markets will come down over the next couple of weeks to the high seven thousands on the Dow, we get one more pop up to the 9,600 level. The 'troubles' socially come to visit France and then the U.K. And then here in the U.S.

Then we get the bombing of Iran by Israel in late October, about which time, the U.S. government will be contemplating use of its 'continuity of government' plans due to social unrest brought about by (what else?) economic collapse. And that in turn sets a 4-week temporal 'timer' that brings us to the part where South Korea receives a nuke or two from the North. And then things get bad.
Now, whether this all works out precisely doesn't really matter because the meme - thought virus if you will - is out and about. And that in itself is curious to know about in advance.
