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hello from "old" newbie ;)

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Skilled Investigator
Hi there,

I'm a french fan of the paracast. It must be two years I have been listening to the show and I have downloaded almost all the shows!! It's been some time I wanted to leave a message on the paracast forum, so here I go!

Personnaly, I found the paracast the best radio show on ufology, being both openminded about different approaches but also caring about the credibility of what is said. I don't want to stand nostalgic here but I do quite regret that David Biedny left the show :( , having appreciated so much his dedication and contribution to the show, although the new co-hosts do a great job too! (by the way I wish him all but good luck, and maybe could David came back sometimes on the show as a co-host?) Can I just say here that David Biedny brought to the show some really good caring point of view and questions on the sceptic verge, in addition to his skills in image analysis, which I think is absolutely necessary in ufology. I believe everyone interested in ufology for some time is really tired about those hard-time pranksters and frauds who just waste our time and shoot down the whole subject. In this regard, I think the paracast was doing a really good job adressing these frauds and I hope the show will continue to care about the credibility of what is put forward by anyone on the show.

Yet, I must say I was quite disappointed with one past episod of the paracast discussing the eth on the whole episod. :frown: This one was so out of the good "paracast style" I couldn't believe it, giving all misleading or bad arguments against the eth while not even a good one for the alternative hypothesis discussed (I want to precise that I am not a die-hard eth believer, and that I consider other hypothesis or a mix completly conceivable, though among all of them I feel the eth may have a closer rational ground). So please keep up with the thoughtful and fair discussions the show used to have! Anyway, that was just one of so many others great episods...so keep up with the good stuff! :cool:

ps: I forgot to say that the new advertisings are so many and quite long now! is it not possible to do something with it? especially for Gene who presents the show and the participants after each one! ;)
Welcome to the forums chikane. Un bonjour a toi.
As Gene has mentioned in other posts, he can't do anything about the ads since being picked up by the GCN - the best tip is to fast forward through them.
Hi Angel of Ioren,
thanks for your welcome and your french hello. I see that you're from Quebec which is my country of origin...quite some time ago now!

Sorry for asking about the advertising surely another umpteenth time, I'll try to transfer that to the GCN. So Gene has to keep presenting the show all along! Oups, sorry about that! ;-)