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Help me identify this U.F.O. case

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Skilled Investigator
Hello, been a very long time since I last posted on this forum. Hope you are all doing very well.

Yesterday I remembered a UFO case I heard about a long time ago & I would love to find out more about it.

The case was somewhere in the U.S.A. where two farmers kept on seeing flying luminous "orbs" One day one of the farmers fired of a barrage of bullets with his shotgun at the orbs.

He said he was certain he hit one of them as he heard a large metallic clunk sound. He later recovered a chunk of metal believed to come from one of these orbs.

A research team took the chunk of metal to laboratory for scientific analysis where it was found to have an atomic composition that is not found anywhere on earth.

Does anyone have any idea which case im referring to? If so, was this uncovered to be a hoax? If not a hoax, shouldn't this be a huge scientific discovery?
Hello, been a very long time since I last posted on this forum. Hope you are all doing very well.

Yesterday I remembered a UFO case I heard about a long time ago & I would love to find out more about it.

The case was somewhere in the U.S.A. where two farmers kept on seeing flying luminous "orbs" One day one of the farmers fired of a barrage of bullets with his shotgun at the orbs.

He said he was certain he hit one of them as he heard a large metallic clunk sound. He later recovered a chunk of metal believed to come from one of these orbs.

A research team took the chunk of metal to laboratory for scientific analysis where it was found to have an atomic composition that is not found anywhere on earth.

Does anyone have any idea which case im referring to? If so, was this uncovered to be a hoax? If not a hoax, shouldn't this be a huge scientific discovery?

Great to hear from you bud! I have not heard of this one prior myself. I'll do a little checking.
Is this one of those cases where there was slag-like metal recovered? I don't remember the name but there was a guest on the Paracast some years back who claimed to have such a lump of metal. Perhaps Gene would remember his name, or the show?
I've been searching for this case all day & no luck :( Really hope someone on the forum would be able to help me out
I may have got my wires crossed but the slag type material you referred to reminded me of the Puget Sound case where a UFO allegedly sprayed molten metal on to a coastguard? Boat, this material was collected and put into a Cornflakes box to be transported to Wright Patterson airbase?, however the transport plane crashed on route, and the "material" was never recovered.

I may have got the events and places a little confused I will try and look it up soon and post the exact case here.
Found what I was looking for :D. It's the case in Hopeville, Ohio.

Instead of explaining the case take a look for yourselves.

Start Watching @ around 25:23. I woulds love to hear your opinions on this. I find the fact that they have such seemingly remarkable physical evidence astonishing. Is this some kind of hoax? Anyone have any additional info?

they really really suck, they just hand back the holy grail of ufology and it's righto see yall next week, they have something they could sell for a million dollars a gramm, change the whole worlds mind set, and its see yall next week for addition of.......

the analysis musta been done by pinky and perky, come on if there was even a sniff of it being off world alloy, it would have been huge.
Found what I was looking for :D. It's the case in Hopeville, Ohio.

Instead of explaining the case take a look for yourselves.

Start Watching @ around 25:23. I woulds love to hear your opinions on this. I find the fact that they have such seemingly remarkable physical evidence astonishing. Is this some kind of hoax? Anyone have any additional info?

GREAT work! I'll view after I get a chance this evening and feedback asap. As manxman stated, it's most likely too good to be true, but I just love UFO stories nonetheless.
Sims is hysterical! He is going around with his radiation meter checking trees, yet when they hand him a piece of metal that if the story is true, could have been highly radioactive, but doesn't meter it! Instead he looks for radiation that might have been "shot off" by the shotgun blast. Good grief. Bara just takes it from the guy. I would have backed up and said, "Go to work with meter Derril!"
Is this one of those cases where there was slag-like metal recovered? I don't remember the name but there was a guest on the Paracast some years back who claimed to have such a lump of metal. Perhaps Gene would remember his name, or the show?
Are you thinking of the Maury Island Hoax where Kenneth Arnold was sent to investigate and found himself in the middle of a spook mind game of some sort? In that one slag ejected from a ship in trouble supposedly killed a dog and broke the arm of a boy while on a boat. There was lots of recovered 'slag' fom this story.

There's a bunch of other stories involving recovered ejections from flying saucers and they always look like this more mundane than exotic object:
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you are very fond of these iconoclast debunks burnt state, and frankly they are biased to the extreme, poorly researched, character assassinations with extreme bias, do you read them fully ?, and do you ever fact check ?, before posting.

rebuttals to claims made inbetween the barrage of abuse, the rebuttals are in the comments, to which bragalia did not reply, although he replied to virtually all the others who were patting his back

rebuttal 1

What a pitifully half-educated view of Maury Island! It'd take me all day to try and unravel what's wrong with this article if I had that much time to spend counter-blogging. I don't see any evidence here that Bragalia read the only book ever written on the topic (mine). To be fair, copies of that go for about $230 on amazon right now, so maybe he couldn't afford it. Still, it's a poor excuse for bad research.

It just so happens that I've been working on the new, expanded edition of the book these past few days. Feral House will have it out next spring. At the end of this month I'm doing a lecture that includes the Maury Island material in Bath, England. After that, I'll be in Atlanta for a lecture, also with Maury Island references.When the new edition comes out, I'll no doubt be doing many more lectures on the topic and hopefully they all will be occasions to counter this misinformation.

Three brief things, though: Bragalia seems to place a lot of stock in comments from Harold Dahl's family members, who admitted bias against Crisman because of his relationship with their father (as did the high school principal who produced a months-long substitute teacher log in a single handwriting); no mention is made of Crisman's connection to Marshall and Michael Riconosciuto of Octopus infamy (Danny Casolaro's great "hoax", I suppose); and Jim Garrison--who isn't mentioned either--believed Crisman was the grassy knoll shooter. Garrison had a high-powered, funded and thorough investigative team of professionals. This writer read a few fanzine articles and wrote a blog. Common sense should tell us whose conclusions have more credibility.

Kenn Thomas

rebuttal 2

Mr. Bragalia,

If only the Maury Island Incident and especially Fred Lee Crisman could be explained away so easily as a simple HOAX, and without the many facts not known to those who postulate from the armchair and don't or won't do some actual REAL research but just rehash old hackny "research" by regurgitating from old articles and website posts. How both easy and lazy. I'm not saying [nor do I personally believe], the Maury Island Incident was actually Ufological in any real way, but that SOMETHING was being either hidden, covered up, used as a psy-op or used as a smoke screen by the US governmant. Fred Lee Crisman, [whom I met for a few minutes in 1967], wasn't the fool you seem to imply. Are you aware that his application for the ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION [as an Atomic Energy Security Service Agent], Los Alamos, NM. Amazingly signed and dated by Crisman on AUGUST 6th 1947!, [Yes, just 5 days after Brown & Davidson's fatal crash!] The form was duly processed as "EXPEDITE Class S", (and with access to restricted data). The document at hand also notes background check markings by the FBI [and others] the second week of August and into September. As Fred Lee Crisman disappeared right after Brown and Davidson's crash, I think we now know where his "next assignment" most likely was.

Do you really think with all the publicity on the Maury Island Incident and following airplane crash that Fred Lee Crisman would pass ANY sort of a security background check? He wouldn't even make it as far as being a Wal-Mart greeter! Also noted in his AEC "personal security questionnaire" that he was a Captain in the Air Corps from 1942-1946 [serial number 0-758951], and a "Special Investigator" for the State of Washington, from 1946-1947. All these items would be verifiable and would be by the FBI or AEC background checks. This document was procured via a 1994 FOIA request [but not released until 1998], from the Department of Energy, which now includes the formally named Atomic Energy Commission [AEC].

This is just one of a number of items that makes it impossible to just write the Maury Island Incident off as a ONLY simple "hoax", by Dahl and Crisman ... THERE IS MUCH MORE TO THIS STORY than meets the, (your?), eye [and most likely has NOTHING to do with UFO's.and

Best wishes,
Roderick B. Dyke
Archives for UFO Research
Member: Society of American Achivists
Life Member: Manuscript Society
RodDyke @ gmail.com

rebuttal 3

Greetings All,

As I just told Tony (via e-mail) when time permits, I'll pen a rebuttal to his article; in the mean time, I will agree with Rod, (and much thanks to him for his support in my research and all he does in that vein for all) there is much, much more to MI then suggested here.

Tony writes:

" . . . Dahl's daughter did not come forward with this information, rather she was sought out and approached. So untainted was she in speaking about this that one person had to mail to her details on an event she never knew or believed to have happened."

That one person was me, and I did a lengthy telephonic interview with her back in 2003.

Tony writes:

She too says that "nothing ever happened. . . . She has stated flat out to a Seattle Post Intelligencer (Seattle PI) reporter on April 23, 2007 that her brother Charles did not have such an encounter."

Not so--this is an erroneous statement: what McNerthney wrote was:

" . . . Dahl rarely spoke of his sighting after 1947, and often said it was a hoax when he did. Charles Dahl, who was supposedly injured by the falling debris, didn't confirm the injuries before his death, his sister said.

In the same article she was quoted as saying:

"I didn't know anything about it until 2003 when a man from Sacramento [Me] sent me about 50 pages of research about it."

Which is exactly right, and what she told me. Moreover, she also told me that she was estranged from her brother early in life and didn't know him well; nor were they together as family at the time of the occurrence.

Charles Dahl didn't confirm "or deny" the incident (or injuries) to his sister--because they never talked about it!!

She also told me that she took care of her father the last two weeks of his life, and although he didn't reference the Maury Island Incident, he did talk mildly about UFOs, and his support of ETH, which he held onto until the day he died.

More later . . .

The UFO Chronicles

now i dont know anything about these events, but i instantly recognise a hatchet job, and this is the underlying reason i went off on one on you in the other thread, either read the pages fully, and fact check before you endorse them, or dont post them here.

otherwise theres nothing surer than we are going bump heads, because i dont like it at all, being deceived, i spent the time to read your link, thats the least you can do before you post them.
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The majority of reasonable UFO commentators acknowledge this as a definitive hoaxing event but it's still a wild story. Anything involving Fred Crisman is a wild story. Listen to the paracast episode that focuses on Kenneth Arnold - an excellent episode with a great focus on this story - it is bizarre!The UFO Iconoclast(s): MAURY ISLAND NO LONGER A MYSTERY: A UFO HOAX EXPOSED! by Anthony Bragalia

I put zero stock in UFOI. I used to participate there until the stupidity, judgmental attitude, and relative routine nonsensical and hypocritical criticisms from Rich just got more than I could take.

Strike #1 You DO NOT make fun of people because of the way they look, dress, or their choice of unkempt hair.

Strike #2 You Do NOT call people like Jerry Clark a "woman bashing bully" just because they disagree with someone on the old UFO Updates List. The man is most likely one of the most ardent researchers in this field.

Strike #3 (and you're out!) Rich's personal endorsement of Catholicism and yet the routine appearance of #1 & #2 in his blog.

Just not right IMO.

There is no need for that type of antagonistic trash talk. If you have to make fun of people and call them names to garner attention to your blog, that says enough for me to stay well away.
To be honest I have no real stake at all in Braglia per se and recognize he sits at the heart of lot of UFO drama but as far as Maury Island goes I'm not sure where you could go to get any real signifant support. This article was simply a good synopsis of the case. It's not a case of trying to debunk it. This case has been debunked a long, long time ago. If you want a more detailed one please look it up in Clark's UFO Encyclopedia or look through Randle's longer discussion if you don't like Braglia's.

But the facts are very well established. It certainly wasn't aliens that booked Arnold's hotel room for him in advance without telling him, nor was it the aliens that bugged this room. This was a spook operation from start to finish. As far as Braglia's snips and quips those are replete thoughout the field. Try reading through UFO updates and see how poison is synonymous with the field itself. You can hate or love any one of the commentators. Even my beloved Jerry Clark, I have to acknowledge, chose inappropriately to defend the wrong side of the Cortile debate. He can be as much as a bully as the rest of them but his research in his cases is impeccable and his discussion on this specific case outdistances any scant rebuttals of Braglia's points.

They all have their problems and allegiances, and they are often more distracting than the actual cases themselves.

A Different Perspective: Maury Island UFO Crash

As for Kenn Thomas (whose conspiratorial thinking is always on shaky ground) here's Jerry's take: Re: Kenneth Arnold William Rhodes & Maury Island
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p.s. I have two more words to help explain Maury Island as a hoax 'Ray Palmer'

What I thought particulary hilarious was Clark's comments regarding Crismnan's details to Palmer of his gunfight with the Dero's.