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These recounted events remind me of a few strange incidents that took place in the house we lived in prior to our current one. The first event doesn't deal with paralysis, but does lend itself to the strangeness of the place.


We lived in a raised duplex (semi-detached home) with our four children. My wife and I in one bedroom, and our two youngest boys sharing a bedroom on the main floor, our daughter and eldest son having a basement bedroom each. The two upstairs bedrooms joined at the corner so we could see the boys' room clearly from ours when our door was left open. One night (early morning) I awoke to see my eldest son, fully dressed, enter into his brothers' room. It was way too early to be waking them up to play or watch TV. From my bed, I spoke quietly so that he could hear --without disturbing the others, "Joel, what are you doing? It's way too early to be getting up."


He didn't respond to my speaking to him, so I got out of bed and walked into the boys' room again quietly saying, "No, don't wake them up." I found the two younger boys still fast asleep and with no sight of Joel. There was no way that he could have left the room -- as I had watched him go in and got up immediately in line of sight. So I went down stairs to check on him, he too was fast asleep and in his pajamas. Whoever I had seen was not Joel, although he would have been about the same age -- ten or so. The kids tell me that later on they had played with a Ouija board that a friend had brought over and claim that they were in contact with a young boy called "Richard" who had lived in the house but had been killed by a car years before. There is no anecdotal evidence of a Richard or of such an event, but curious nonetheless.


The second incident I recall, took place in my wife's and my bedroom (probably a year or so after the previous event). My wife has an ongoing 'night terror' of seeing large spiders, particularly spiders hanging above her head. She will scream or call out and it will wake me up or I'll run into our bedroom to find her swatting at them -- even after I'm sure she is awake she can still see them; I have never seen them (btw).


This one morning I was awoken by her screaming, "There! There they are!"


I opened my eyes to see her pointing to the far corner of the room (on her side of the bed). I looked over and could see the silhouette of three joined human-like figures standing in the corner of the room. They were outlined with the middle of the image a swirling mass of light and colour -- somewhat reminiscent of a Star Trek transporter scene. I could plainly see what she was looking at, but found myself paralyzed and unable to move. The only thing I could do was move my eyes; so I tried to scream (as I commented later, "... like a schoolgirl."). Eventually I did let out a scream and was able to shake free of my bonds. The apparition disappeared.


Granted, my wife saying 'they' would imply more than one, but what we described to one another was exactly the same. Three figures standing together one tall, about 6 feet or so high, with two smaller beings about 4 feet tall, one either side. The swirling mass of colour and light was also a shared experience. As I mentioned, it was not strange for my wife to have apparitions along these lines, but for both of us to experience it simultaneously makes one wonder. We do have (as any long-married couple will tell you) quite an impressive record of telepathy, yet I don't think this is what was happening.


One more joint experience in that house was one evening -- when the kids were all in bed asleep--we were watching TV when we heard, quite literally, hoof-steps across the roof of the roof of the house. As explained we lived in a duplex, and our house was three units in from the end of the row. The first unit was adjacent to a hill that forms part of the Canadian Badlands. It is unlikely that a deer or other hoofed creature could have jumped on to the first house from the hill then leaped the 20 or so feet between each unit till it got to ours--but you never know. We laughed at the possibilities -- maybe Santa Claus and his reindeer were test flying for the upcoming Christmas. Years later, after some misfortune, the possibilities included the devil running above our heads. Neither of our explanations we take seriously, but to this day cannot fathom what we heard that night.
