Paranormal Adept
So I was listening to the latest episode of the Paracast, which was great by the way, and I heard the ad for the Contact In The Desert UFO Conference. The first thing that jumped out at me was that mixed in with the usual names in the Ancient Alien and Exopolitical (barf) scene, was the "Obama Visits Mars" lady, AKA Laura Eisenhower. Now, whatever you might think of the guest list, one can at least take comfort in the fact that many of these names (at least the ones in the commercial) have been involved in their respective fields for many years, are fairly well known, and also have somewhat solid, if not occasionally exaggerated, accomplishments in mainstream society whether it be college degrees, military experience or whatever. However, at least to my knowledge, this particular whacko woman has no such thing going for her, here is her list of official titles from her website:
Laura is a Galactic Historian, Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist, Ascension Guide and is the great-grandaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower
Galactic Historian? Who are you trying to kid? Ascension Guide? What the fuck does that even mean? I haven't perused the entire guest list so there may be others with such obviously made up and self conferred new age, hippy bullshit titles. The only title I think she deserves is the title of alchemist, because she seems to have discovered a formula whereby one can take a story made out of pure batshit and turn it into gold (money)
My point is this, is it any wonder that this field is so ridiculed? Can we really be all that surprised that the mainstream wants nothing to do with a field so obviously littered with extremely deluded individuals? When you put this obvious whackadoo on the same stage with, say, a Richard Dolan, is it any wonder that the credibility of the entire field suffers as a result? When are we going to realize that when you play in the mud, you get dirty, so to speak. Or perhaps more appropriately, when you play with shit, you start to stink. I don't know what inspired this little rant, I was actually surprised by how much this annoyed me, but why in the world is someone like this, with no legitimate credentials and no background in research or investigation, given the time of day by the folks that set up these conferences and why do the serious researchers in the field agree to share the stage with them? I have my theories but would like to hear some of yours.
Laura is a Galactic Historian, Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist, Ascension Guide and is the great-grandaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower
Galactic Historian? Who are you trying to kid? Ascension Guide? What the fuck does that even mean? I haven't perused the entire guest list so there may be others with such obviously made up and self conferred new age, hippy bullshit titles. The only title I think she deserves is the title of alchemist, because she seems to have discovered a formula whereby one can take a story made out of pure batshit and turn it into gold (money)
My point is this, is it any wonder that this field is so ridiculed? Can we really be all that surprised that the mainstream wants nothing to do with a field so obviously littered with extremely deluded individuals? When you put this obvious whackadoo on the same stage with, say, a Richard Dolan, is it any wonder that the credibility of the entire field suffers as a result? When are we going to realize that when you play in the mud, you get dirty, so to speak. Or perhaps more appropriately, when you play with shit, you start to stink. I don't know what inspired this little rant, I was actually surprised by how much this annoyed me, but why in the world is someone like this, with no legitimate credentials and no background in research or investigation, given the time of day by the folks that set up these conferences and why do the serious researchers in the field agree to share the stage with them? I have my theories but would like to hear some of yours.