Paranormal Adept
I saw this today on the Daily Grail and thought I may say a few words about it.
This is in fact not a bad blog on what happened and what Anon is, but it is not the full story I can tell you that. Read all five parts as they are not all that bad and not to inaccurate.
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
There are a huge amount of myths surrounding Anon and what it really is and many do not understand how it started and what /b/ really is (well was at the time). It had its sick freaks but 4chan was and is more than just /b/. So I really mean this when I say "That after a cursory look at /b/ you quickly realize that it's never really had anything to do with this whole political activism that gets people all railed up or to use a /b/ term "Hurp Durp".
The mask you may not realize is a joke, and always was, google fail guy cartoon and you will see.
That will explain my choice for using it as my avatar here ... yep its a joke.
"Occupy was not an Anonymous plan, and anons were far from a majority of the movement."
I have trouble explaining this to people who think they started it.. they did not but many were involved and helped very early on in its evolution.
(Yes I skipped the Scientology saga as it is freely available for people to read about. What happened was that anon realized it true power "like the big kid who gets bullied but one day punches the bully and it dawns on him that he is very powerful.")
Anyway this bit is a good summation:
"But Anonymous declared support for it very early, well before the September 17 start date, and thereby helped to bring far more media attention to the project than it would have gotten otherwise. Moreover, Anonymous’ support helped to lend a sense of power that US protest movements in recent decades have lacked: namely, the implication that Occupy was capable of serious retaliation if authorities crossed a line."
That bit is bang on correct!
This video sums what I always felt Anon really was.
I agree that the taking out of Sabu was a blow to a small section of Anon at the time, but it is the beast with a million heads (I really mean this), so taking out one and maybe a few hundred others in the long run makes little or no impact on the organism as a whole.
Like it or not Anon is here to stay, or until the Anons get lazy and cant be bothered
All the information you want can be found on the web if you look. You know it is not hidden and never was about what Anon is as the Anons never saw the point in hiding it. Remember that all the operations were there for all to see on IRC if you wanted to get involved.
Do I personally agree with Anon .. Well Yes and No!! and that my friends is the point.
Anon is humanity with all its nasty bits and nice parts and you can not have the one without the other.
Yes it is childish, stupid, and irresponsible, but it is also grown up, intelligent, responsible and motivated. It is in all sense the paradox that is the human psyche.
Anyway read the blog it covers it quite well.
Disclaimer: I hope I do not offend anyone with this post as it it a touchy subject with many in regards to hacking. I find the whole anon phenomenon interesting and this is why I have a good understanding of its history etc.
I am no hacker (Personally I could not hack my way out of a wet paper bag) Not all those involved or who call themselves Anon are hackers and a brief study of its history so far will highlight this. Remember the name Anonymous simply came from the habit of not posting a name when making a post on an image board or comment section.
This is in fact not a bad blog on what happened and what Anon is, but it is not the full story I can tell you that. Read all five parts as they are not all that bad and not to inaccurate.
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
How Anonymous Picks Targets, Launches Attacks, and Takes Powerful Organizations Down | Threat Level |
There are a huge amount of myths surrounding Anon and what it really is and many do not understand how it started and what /b/ really is (well was at the time). It had its sick freaks but 4chan was and is more than just /b/. So I really mean this when I say "That after a cursory look at /b/ you quickly realize that it's never really had anything to do with this whole political activism that gets people all railed up or to use a /b/ term "Hurp Durp".
The mask you may not realize is a joke, and always was, google fail guy cartoon and you will see.
That will explain my choice for using it as my avatar here ... yep its a joke.
"Occupy was not an Anonymous plan, and anons were far from a majority of the movement."
I have trouble explaining this to people who think they started it.. they did not but many were involved and helped very early on in its evolution.
(Yes I skipped the Scientology saga as it is freely available for people to read about. What happened was that anon realized it true power "like the big kid who gets bullied but one day punches the bully and it dawns on him that he is very powerful.")
Anyway this bit is a good summation:
"But Anonymous declared support for it very early, well before the September 17 start date, and thereby helped to bring far more media attention to the project than it would have gotten otherwise. Moreover, Anonymous’ support helped to lend a sense of power that US protest movements in recent decades have lacked: namely, the implication that Occupy was capable of serious retaliation if authorities crossed a line."
That bit is bang on correct!
This video sums what I always felt Anon really was.
I agree that the taking out of Sabu was a blow to a small section of Anon at the time, but it is the beast with a million heads (I really mean this), so taking out one and maybe a few hundred others in the long run makes little or no impact on the organism as a whole.
Like it or not Anon is here to stay, or until the Anons get lazy and cant be bothered

All the information you want can be found on the web if you look. You know it is not hidden and never was about what Anon is as the Anons never saw the point in hiding it. Remember that all the operations were there for all to see on IRC if you wanted to get involved.
Do I personally agree with Anon .. Well Yes and No!! and that my friends is the point.
Anon is humanity with all its nasty bits and nice parts and you can not have the one without the other.
Yes it is childish, stupid, and irresponsible, but it is also grown up, intelligent, responsible and motivated. It is in all sense the paradox that is the human psyche.
Anyway read the blog it covers it quite well.
Disclaimer: I hope I do not offend anyone with this post as it it a touchy subject with many in regards to hacking. I find the whole anon phenomenon interesting and this is why I have a good understanding of its history etc.
I am no hacker (Personally I could not hack my way out of a wet paper bag) Not all those involved or who call themselves Anon are hackers and a brief study of its history so far will highlight this. Remember the name Anonymous simply came from the habit of not posting a name when making a post on an image board or comment section.