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How Celebrity Culture is Destroying Who We Are

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[Culture is not your friend -- Terence McKenna]

Article HERE:
We no longer seek community as the most important, but rather that we, the self-proclaimed celebrity, as the most important. We live in a world that celebrates image over substance and because of this we have lost sight of who we are. We are bombarded daily with images that celebrate vanity, debauchery, and acts of senselessness. Through the corporate mass media we are subliminally told what to think, how to interpret the way society operates, what is “right,” what is “cool,” and how to keep from looking old and unhip.

Since when did Kim Kardashian, the cast of the Jersey Shore, and the endless scandals we hear in the tabloids become more important than seeking truth and meaning? Why do these headlines garner more attention than the unrelenting destruction of the Earth by the fossil fuel industry, the brutality of war all over this planet, and the overwhelming poverty found everywhere [even in America]?
"Why did it become socially taboo to question events such as 9/11, the presence of american troops in the middle east, the possibility that the pillars of our society may be run by a corporate elite, or that our way of life may actually be destroying the vitality of the planet we depend on. I think it is because celebrity culture has us being afraid to step out and take a stand. Maybe celebrity culture has us so addicted to their “images” that things of meaning and substance become boring?“The Fantasy of celebrity culture is not designed simply to entertain. It is designed to drain us emotionally, confuse us about our identity, make us blame ourselves for our predicament, condition us to chase illusions of fame and happiness, and keep us from fighting back.” – Chris Hedges

Rest of Article HERE:
Maybe a little ironic coming from a "Life Coach". His rates ( $60 per session ) aren't outrageous, but I wonder how much that would change if his ratings were as high as Kim Kardashian? Don't get me wrong. He could be a perfectly decent guy, but do you really think that if he got an agent who made him into a celebrity that he wouldn't be cashing the cheques and telling everyone how they should live? He'd be as bad or worse than the rest if not just for the reason that he actually makes that his job.

PS: Interesting website though. Waking Times
Hmm ... good point ... perhaps we should study this more closely. How about posting up a few pictures just so we know what we're dealing with here ;)

You know, there is no denying that Kim is a very attractive woman. But if I met her someplace and got the come-on from her, I would take pleasure in knocking her back! I cannot stand people who are famous for nothing, they have no talent, skill or even drive but along comes a stupid reality show and hey presto....somebody just made a 'celebrity'.
I detest celeb culture. I am not against fame - I like plenty famous people but they all have something about them that deserves attention. Hot girls like Kim are ten-a-penny in L.A!

Pics fine with me though, as long as she keeps her lovely mouth shut we'll be happy as larry..
We're getting double irony now because I only pointed out how Kim K. was used as an example of a celebrity with high ratings who was used by the author of the article to promote his own "I'll tell you how to live" campaign, and now we're still talking about Kim K. and not the substance of the article.
We're getting double irony now because I only pointed out how Kim K. was used as an example of a celebrity with high ratings who was used by the author of the article to promote his own "I'll tell you how to live" campaign, and now we're still talking about Kim K. and not the substance of the article.
Ain't that the ironic truth!
i personally do not view them in any higher regard than anyone here. they are celebrities only if you give it to them. they poop and wipe their stinky ass like the rest of us.
I completely agree with this article.
Three weeks ago on the "Today" show while I was getting ready for work, they had a thirty second bit on the ongoing Syrian government's campaign of terror on it's citizens(including women and children) and that over two hundred Syrians had been slaughtered.
They immediately went to a six minute segment on Snookies new baby and peoples reactions to it!!!!!

I was just disgusted by how cavalierly they waved away the murders of all those Syrians for a piece of trash.
Talk about image over substance.
... I was just disgusted by how cavalierly they waved away the murders of all those Syrians for a piece of trash. Talk about image over substance ...

The reach and scope of the media certainly does lead to some incongruous juxtapositions. Remember this banned video by one of our Canadian artists? It's got one of the most powerful opening lines of any song I've ever heard ...

Padded with power here they come
International loan sharks backed by the guns
of market hungry military profiteers
Whose word is a swap and his brow smeared with
the blood of the poor ...

Just let that fester in your brain.