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Given what we know so far, travelling a billion light years is a far bigger obstacle than travelling 500 light years, and travelling 50 light years is even less of a challenge. Why? Because what virtually all the skeptics I've encountered have failed to consider ( or have self-servingly neglected to mention ) is that there are about 133 stars within 50 light years of Earth ( see map below ). So even humans could make the trip to most of these locations within our short lifespans, and at only half the speed of light or less!

Then there is the possibility ( maybe even the probability ) that some alien visitors are AI, capable of living thousands of years. In which case a 100 years would only be a blip in time for them, especially if they hibernated most of the way. Then there is the possibility of multi-generation craft. So the fact is, interstellar distances aren't necessarily as big a problem as the skeptics claim, even if we don't invoke FTL or other exotic sci-fi propulsion systems.

Stars within 50 light years ( source ):
