Here is someone suggesting they discovered real physical evidence of aliens in Medieval art/ WOW!!!! Maybe this is like all the photos of which this site has so many that it could keep photoshop in the money for centuries. I had people thinking I supported alien intervention theories because I reported a lot of factual things about ET, and ask questions to help people think; and one day one of them brought a photo along that was taken from an aircraft. We proved it had been photoshopped and walked him through it. He kept saying he understood each step of the way. But he became a stalker and I think he posted my article on Aliens in Archaeology with his commentary putting words in my mouth, at Scrib'd.
Originally Posted by watcher4411 
Through my own extensive research into all things mysterious. I prefer physical evidence, as most of you would agree. However, circumstantial evidence can be compelling. Especially, if there's enough. This oddity, is the definition of physical evidence. If you haven't studied these paintings. You are missing out! My favorite: is the scene of Jesus kneeling before John the Babtist. What's hovering above them? A huge disc with a beam of light shining down on them both. UFO, clear as day. It can't be anything, but. That's just one of many amazing examples to choose from. For those that haven't seen or heard of these. Just Google to find. tell me what you think.
How is a painting promoted by frauds who have put words in the mouth of a person they crucified "the definition of physical evidence"?
Is a halo on similar paintings mandated by Roman Empire builders also evidence in your mind's eye? Yes, the Bible cults are alien theories and creators of all manner of evil as the good Pope John Paul II admitted in 1999. He apologized for two millennia of heinous acts. One of the greatest crimes of this corrupt and un-spiritual entity is the creation of a Heavenly host of light filled gods which often have these "beams of light shining down on them". What is "clear as day" is you "can't be anything, but" a liar who has not done "my own extensive research into all things mysterious" as you claim. You are brainwashed and deceived and probably would commit more 'heinous acts' if your churchian horde of interpreter's for your own soul (see John 10:34 or wherever Jesus {a title not his name} says 'Ye are gods').
There are threads devoted to helping you get away from the mind control cult you belong to, try Cult De-programming, check out We Can Change the World or Ecumenism as Earth's only hope.
“All things truly wicked start from innocence.”
― Ernest Hemingway
“More generally, as I shall repeat in Chapter 8, one of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin
In this Scientific American article we learn that Michelangelo destroyed his anatomical drawings and hid them in his drawings on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. It was dangerous work to do any art which might conflict with the lies promoted by the church.
"At the age of 17 he began dissecting corpses from the church graveyard. Between the years 1508 and 1512 he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Michelangelo Buonarroti—known by his first name the world over as the singular artistic genius, sculptor and architect—was also an anatomist, a secret he concealed by destroying almost all of his anatomical sketches and notes. Now, 500 years after he drew them, his hidden anatomical illustrations have been found—painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, cleverly concealed from the eyes of Pope Julius II and countless religious worshipers, historians, and art lovers for centuries—inside the body of God.
This is the conclusion of Ian Suk and Rafael Tamargo, in their paper in the May 2010 issue of the scientific journal Neurosurgery. Suk and Tamargo are experts in neuroanatomy at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1990, physician Frank Meshberger published a paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association deciphering Michelangelo’s imagery with the stunning recognition that the depiction in God Creating Adam in the central panel on the ceiling was a perfect anatomical illustration of the human brain in cross section. Meshberger speculates that Michelangelo surrounded God with a shroud representing the human brain to suggest that God was endowing Adam not only with life, but also with supreme human intelligence. Now in another panel The Separation of Light from Darkness (shown at left), Suk and Tamargo have found more. Leading up the center of God’s chest and forming his throat, the researchers have found a precise depiction of the human spinal cord and brain stem.
Is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel a 500 year-old puzzle that is only now beginning to be solved? What was Michelangelo saying by construction the voice box of God out of the brain stem of man? Is it a sacrilege or homage?"
The light from the sun - heliopolitanism and Luciferianism - grows into paintings and myths galore. The beams of light and en-light-enment or Illuminized halos are all over the place.
Egypt was colonized by the Phoenicians or ancient ones termed Keltoi or Ogygia. I have created numerous threads tying the DNN into this fact.
The Druidic sun-worship referred to in Paine's posthumous publication which he dared not expose while alive is part of the mix. He says that is the origin of Masonry. Homer correctly said the DN or DNN colonized Greece and they definitely gave alphabets to all their colonies in the Mediterranean.
Before Druids we have other heliopolitan origins for certain and now that we have evidence of Denisovan interbred Neanderthal near the Europod/Asian Ainu I am inclined to think a lot more truth will soon become apparent. D'Ainu minus vowels is DN and DNN is one step of difference from the origins geographically speaking (code). Heliopolis is Byblos in Lebanon but also BBL or Babel where the BBL (Bible) says the tower provides the origins of languages. That is a simple summary. This shows the Horus and Jesus myth connections.
As to the nature of Illuminati stealing or misappropriating symbols - garbage! The en-lightened ones created them long ago. They are still part of our society and they try to manage the world to become what it can be - better. Yes, they are often faced with difficult decisions because people will not study and bureaucrats or priesthoods are corrupt and worse.
"It is also very interesting to note that the drawing of the Eye of Horus very much matches the cross section of the mid brain where the thalamus, the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. The pineal gland is often said to be the “third eye” and a centre of spirituality and of spiritual insight, which can be developed in a person.
It’s as if the Eye of Horus could be a depiction of the thalamus as the eye ball with the corpus callosum the eye brow above and the medulla oblongata (brain stem) and the hypothalamus being the two markings below. If this is what they were drawing but calling it the Eye of Horus, does it suggest they considered the mid brain to be the seat of consciousness or even of divine consciousness or “Horus consciousness”? Horus being a sun god and symbolic of the universal Christ, a spiritual force which a suitably prepared person can merge with."