Paranormal Adept
I have my worldview and I don't look for the "truth" these days from outside sources. I'm sure we are not simply meatbots or the by product of matter. Still, I don't need to prove it to anybody because I'm not looking to "become" a guru either.
I don't see the things just like the doctor linked below but he says somethings that I honestly have thought to myself so I thought I would link it for your perusal. 
The following caught my eye because I often find myself thinking about the "eternal now" these days. :
"The most important thing I learned," said Billy Pilgrim in Kurt Vonnegut's novel "Slaughterhouse Five," "was that when a person dies, he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist."
Anyway, here is the link to the articles originally posted at The Huffington Post.:
Robert Lanza, M.D.: Why You Will Always Exist: Time Is 'On Demand'
From MSNBC Science:
‘Biocentrism’: How life creates the universe - Technology & science - Science - msnbc.com
And, what’s worse, nothing in science can explain how consciousness arose from matter. Our understanding of this most basic phenomenon is virtually nil. Interestingly, most models of physics do not even recognize this as a problem.
Robert Lanza, M.D.: Five Reasons You Won't Die
---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------
Let me hasten to add I don't agree with the author on his worldview or all his points. I find them interesting and I enjoy "learning" about some of the points of view of people who are doing science as opposed to talking about dogmas from both the believers and the skeptics. We live in a very large and incredible universe and I find the answer to one question seems to lead to another. The main thing that recommends these articles to me are the comments after the articles. It seems to really irritate the atheist and the religious dogmatist equally.
It even irritates me cause I have my own idea of where this points to. 

The following caught my eye because I often find myself thinking about the "eternal now" these days. :
"The most important thing I learned," said Billy Pilgrim in Kurt Vonnegut's novel "Slaughterhouse Five," "was that when a person dies, he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist."
Anyway, here is the link to the articles originally posted at The Huffington Post.:
Robert Lanza, M.D.: Why You Will Always Exist: Time Is 'On Demand'
From MSNBC Science:
‘Biocentrism’: How life creates the universe - Technology & science - Science - msnbc.com
And, what’s worse, nothing in science can explain how consciousness arose from matter. Our understanding of this most basic phenomenon is virtually nil. Interestingly, most models of physics do not even recognize this as a problem.
Robert Lanza, M.D.: Five Reasons You Won't Die
---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------
Let me hasten to add I don't agree with the author on his worldview or all his points. I find them interesting and I enjoy "learning" about some of the points of view of people who are doing science as opposed to talking about dogmas from both the believers and the skeptics. We live in a very large and incredible universe and I find the answer to one question seems to lead to another. The main thing that recommends these articles to me are the comments after the articles. It seems to really irritate the atheist and the religious dogmatist equally.