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I forgot how embarrassing & sad this show was

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I checked out that show for about 5 minutes once.

Around the time the show went on the air I sat through a lecture by Mike Bara (one of the stars of Uncovering Aliens). At the time I didn’t know who he was. He plugged his upcoming show along the lines of, “we all need to support UFO shows.” He then put on a presentation filled with photos of Martian rocks that he contended were alien artifacts. I found the presentation to be so disingenuous as to be laughable, an insult to the audience.

As I said, I later checked out the show for about 5 minutes once. That was plenty. The only thing that would embarrass the makers of that show is low ratings.
I checked out that show for about 5 minutes once.

Around the time the show went on the air I sat through a lecture by Mike Bara (one of the stars of Uncovering Aliens). At the time I didn’t know who he was. He plugged his upcoming show along the lines of, “we all need to support UFO shows.” He then put on a presentation filled with photos of Martian rocks that he contended were alien artifacts. I found the presentation to be so disingenuous as to be laughable, an insult to the audience.

As I said, I later checked out the show for about 5 minutes once. That was plenty. The only thing that would embarrass the makers of that show is low ratings.
Agreed. And what sucks for them is that we live in the age of the internet. If their crappy show was on the air 30 years ago, it would have been mocked, received poor ratings and then canxd. But nowadays, that show will live on forever because of things like YouTube. So their embarrassing show never get's a chance to just bury itself. A constant reminder of how embarrassing & ridiculous the show was is always a mouse click away.

None of those characters (Bara, Sims, etc.) are legit. IMO, they are all incompetent clowns.
I wouldn't write off Darrell Sims based on the tv show. UFO Hunters & Chasing UFOS had similar issues were the cast wanted to have the show go in a different direction than the network producers. Derrell was a huge influence in having implants from abducttees by connecting patients with Dr Roger Leir, but the Dr got all the glory.. keep in mind Dr Leir was only able to remove implants from feet as he was a podiatrist. He was a poser in many films making it look like he removed plants from other parts of the body. I believe Sims & Leir had a falling out due to ethical differences if I recall Sims conversations correctly.

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I wouldn't write off Darrell Sims based on the tv show. UFO Hunters & Chasing UFOS had similar issues were the cast wanted to have the show go in a different direction than the network producers. Derrell was a huge influence in having implants from abducttees by connecting patients with Dr Roger Leir, but the Dr got all the glory.. keep in mind Dr Leir was only able to remove implants from feet as he was a podiatrist. He was a poser in many films making it look like he removed plants from other parts of the body. I believe Sims & Leir had a falling out due to ethical differences if I recall Sims conversations correctly.

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Somethings just off with Sims. He comes off to me as a complete phony. From what I understand, his "CIA employment" is bogus. He seems very hokey to me.
Having met Derrell Sims I feel differently. I was honored to have supper with him at last year's ufo conference and I was able to "pick" his brain so-to-speak. He didn't overly glorify his CIA position and he actually down played it. He did have some far out there stories but they weren't his own. He has a certain fascination with the Texas Rangers which is why he dresses the way he does. It is his trademark if you will like the guy on ancient aliens with his hair up in the air like he was struck by lighting. In my opinion the only thing phony about Darrell is the color of his hair/mustache. He is a bit eccentric but I think that could be said about most people into this topic. He has a bigger role into the history of this phenomenon than people realize.

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I just heard Martin Willis announce that Darrell Sims will be on podcastufo next Wednesday night.

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