Last week I was eligible (by my cell carrier) to upgrade my current mobile phone. I got the new Samsung Galaxy Siii which is a shrieking marvel. The things and apps this handles along with the 16 gigs of onboard space is simply unbelievable. At anyrate I just downloaded the radio app
"Stitcher" which is pretty awesome. Anyway this is another way you can listen to DMR along with the archives, iTunes etc. Currently they are streaming my episode "Why Vietnam" which was (believe it or not) a result of my investigation into the U.K.'s Highgate Vampire research. Just wanted to give you a FYI about Stitcher which is very much supported by CyberstationUSA.
And speaking of CyberstationUSA, I was on the phone with them earlier and they are getting smacked by "Sandy" pretty hard. There is a possibility that power might be lost. We will have to see but as I get word I will pass it along.
For all you on the East Coast stay safe and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
"Stitcher" which is pretty awesome. Anyway this is another way you can listen to DMR along with the archives, iTunes etc. Currently they are streaming my episode "Why Vietnam" which was (believe it or not) a result of my investigation into the U.K.'s Highgate Vampire research. Just wanted to give you a FYI about Stitcher which is very much supported by CyberstationUSA.
And speaking of CyberstationUSA, I was on the phone with them earlier and they are getting smacked by "Sandy" pretty hard. There is a possibility that power might be lost. We will have to see but as I get word I will pass it along.
For all you on the East Coast stay safe and you are in our thoughts and prayers.