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I hope this is a joke. The moon isn't real!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mindsky
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Free episodes:

Man, that stuff is funny.

I do not exist.

This forum does not exist.

We do not exist.

Somewhere, a German philosopher just laughed before choking on a beer.

I was reading more of the site, I came upon this I found funny.

"Do an experiment: take a rubber ball and suspend it above a bathtub full of water. Now slowly move the ball closer to the water. Does the level of the water change? Not even slightly. So much for the tides myth.

The clouds are considerably closer to the moon, and much lighter than the oceans. One would imagine that if the moon had the power to raise the oceans, this same force would cause the clouds to go flying into space, yet this does not happen. This proves that the tides story is physically impossible. "

Hah, been reading the 911 article. It's good too.
The Mad Revisionist
" Despite concerted effort, THE MAD REVISIONIST was unable to come up with a single reasonable, rational explanation as to why religious fundamentalists would want to crash themselves and plane-loads full of people into crowded office buildings, and, further to the principles of revisionist methodology, if it doesn't make sense to us personally, it didn't happen."

Canada's motive for being behind the 911 attacks:
"Take a look at the CN Tower. Why would they build such a big, long, hard, rigid monstrosity? What purpose does it serve other than to give New York State the finger from across the lake? Canadians seem to take great pride in the fact that theirs is the largest tower in the world. What, then, would they be expected to feel about other structures in other countries whose sizes are a cause of distinction? Of course, the World Trade Centre comes to mind, as does the Pentagon, which, with over 3.7 million square feet of space, is the world's largest office building."
Mindsky said:
I was reading more of the site, I came upon this I found funny.

"Do an experiment: take a rubber ball and suspend it above a bathtub full of water. Now slowly move the ball closer to the water. Does the level of the water change? Not even slightly. So much for the tides myth.
See, this is why people don't understand science; Attention to detail. It would have to be a lead ball, and the bathtub would have to be a sphere in space with water around it, so you could see the sphere pulled away from the water on the other side.
Besides, does the moon pull on the water, or does it merely block the pressure of the ZPF so that the water can rise up in that spot?
Does gravity push everything toward Earth, or does it pull things toward the Earth? If gravity might be a pushing force, then why aren't all the other forces pushing forces? How would you know if you can't find any ether (to get the motor started in the rocket car)?
Everything runs on ether, especially when it gets to be -40 outside. (quick test: is that F or C ?)
Distance plays a part in gravity. It gets weaker with distance. The bathtub is really close to the Earth and that out weighs the tiny ball over the bathtub. The joke/goof ignores the Earth's role in the behavior of bath water.
This is by far one of the funniest conspiracies I have ever read. Where do these people have this kind of time? I will admit it is rather amusing, I did laugh ... often - while reading through it.

I especially like the reward they are offering:

"A cash reward of $100,000 has been offered to anyone who can send us, by e-mail, conclusive physical evidence of the existence of the moon. This reward remains unclaimed."

I am quite certain that until we figure out how to send physical objects through Email and the internet - their $100,000 will remain unclaimed. Nice play on words though.
It would be cool if you could email them the moon. Like, so when they download their email, the moon pops out. Would suck for the Earth, sure, but the looks on their faces for that split second would be priceless.

Kind of reminds me of the "Belgium does not exist" "conspiracy" website...
From the website:
A cash reward of $100,000 has been offered to anyone who can send us, by e-mail, conclusive physical evidence of the existence of the moon. This reward remains unclaimed.

How do you E-mail conclusive physical evidence?

His email is a lot better than mine, I have a hard time with large files!
i would suggest the same cash award for conclusive physical evidence of the existence of jesus.

pastor john, religion is the number one killer of humans. why would you condone such a thing?
pixelsmith said:
pastor john, religion is the number one killer of humans. why would you condone such a thing?

I guess you don't care about what damage uncritical belief in paranormalism is doing to people, either.
sure i do, but how many people have died as the result of paranormalism? LOL!
millions of people have died as a result of religion and 100's more die almost everyday.
pixelsmith said:
sure i do, but how many people have died as the result of paranormalism? LOL!
millions of people have died as a result of religion and 100's more die almost everyday.

I'll take the death toll over the death of critical thinking any day. We can always use more room.
are you unable to critically think for yourself without someone acknowledging it? you would rather have the millions of dead people over someone saying ok i acknowledge your almighty critical thinking? (insert sarcasm here) i critically think you are messed up dude. but i remain hopefully skeptic.

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