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Paranormal Adept
Many forum members here will briskly dismiss Annie Jacobsen's take on area 51 and ufos and tell me to get out of town. But I'm going to stick my neck out and say her interview for NPR might be worth a listen.

The soundbites of her area 51/Roswell hypotheses are ostensibly looney. But I think her explanation, as given on the NPR interview, might be worth pondering. She stresses a speculation about Roswell that is not new: The UFO occupants were humans biologically modified, originally by way of Nazi research, for unknown purposes and that our own government became somehow complicit.

What rings a bell is an audio interview with one of the old time prominent residents of Roswell--I can't recall his name--who happened to be a drinking buddy of Col. Butch Blanchard's. After a few beers and much questioning, all he could get out of Blanchard about the crash site was something to the effect of "What I saw that day, I never want to see again".

Anyway, I realize most here are properly sick of Roswell. But Jacobsen's full interview comes across as more palatable than the 30 second exchanges most of us have heard.

Area 51 'Uncensored': Was It UFOs Or The USSR? : NPR