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I recommend Paul Eno

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Paranormal Maven
Has anyone else ever heard of this person? After hearing him on C2C the other night, I came to the opinion that he'd be a great guest for the Paracast. His own unified theory of UFO's, ghosts, time travel, etc. is, at the very least, interesting, and at best something that might advance the study of the paranormal.
Yes, he's the guy, but please hear me out. I do understand he's deeply involved with the metaphysical side of things, but at the same time he seems to have done some intriguing work on the paranormal/ghost angle. His investigations include a couple of cases involving apparitions that are way outside the usual paradigm, cases that suggest a kind of inter-dimensional origin beyond the typical disembodied spirit explanation.
Here's another link associated with him:


His attempts to reconcile and associate this concept with the UFO mystery are worth hearing as well. My main point is this; Mr. Eno sounded genuinely open-minded on this topic, and that is why I would enjoy listening to his ideas on the Paracast. That is all.
OK, I'll get in touch with him and see what happens. We'll give it a shot, and perhaps some useful conversation will happen. Thanks again for the suggestion, I admit, I went to his site and went "ugh" on first impression, but I should be a bit more open. I'm working on it!

I finally listened to the Paracast Paul and Ben Eno interview. Not a bad program, but I was a little disappointed he didn't talk more about specific cases. Mainly I wanted to hear more about the New England case that was mentioned on C2C - the one where the young girl seemed to be "haunting" another house while she was still alive.

Instead, the program wandered into the usual discourse of complaining about other researchers, and the state of the paranormal field in general. Not that such a discussion is meritless, but it does get boring when it's the same thing show after show, after show, after show, after show...

If the Eno's come on again, I hope we can look forward to hearing some interesting case material.
The show, had interesting bits like the colour orbs or balls being actual lifeforms. The parasite discussion, was interesting also. It could be possible, we have negative entitys?

Poltergeists, in some cases, reported, seem to be harmful, they throw around objects, but you have to ask is this a negative think, directed at you? or they just trying to get your attention.

I kind of agree with you, i would liked to have more of a discussion on more of the case's.Two hours, isnt enough to fill everything into, but that is not the hosts fault.

I have to disagree, with you respectfully.
Discussing, what is wrong with the paranormal field has to happen because if we dont discuss it. 'We will not no' who is credible, and what information is reliable.
We have to enlighten people to the frauds and charaltans, or all we will have is confusion.

In a way, in simple terms, a Parasite is annoying. It a term we use when a host organism is damaged.If you take the Greys, if they really do exist? they are form of parasite.

They use human beings, they dont ask for your permission, much like a parasite. They infect you emotionally and cause extreme mental confusion in individuals.They might not give you an infection of the body. but it is an infection of your mind .In many cases, the gain and advantage lies with the Greys.

I have to disagree, with you respectfully.
Discussing, what is wrong with the paranormal field has to happen because if we dont discuss it. 'We will not no' who is credible, and what information is reliable.

I understand, and the truth is I would agree with you if this was- let's say - twenty years ago or so. The trouble is I've been following developments in this field for a long time now, and time is what has caused me to lose faith in UFO studies. The reason is simple: for the past fifty years, through flying disks and CEIII's and abductions and cattle mutilations and all the rest, not one scrap of conclusive proof has surfaced. None.

Additionally, you have to consider that, although there are a great many frauds and jokers out there, there have also been some very serious investigators - some of them actual scientists - who've dedicated years to the field. How is it even possible that, in all that time, not a shred of verifiable proof has shown up?

By verifiable proof I mean a piece of a UFO, or a dead bigfoot(a real dead bigfoot), or any phenomenon that can be demonstrated with regularity, so that science can observe it. If the government really was hiding info about UFO's, all we'd need is an official signed document from the government. Just one.

Even a decent film of a UFO taken in the presence of multiple witnesses would count, and so far we've gotten nothing good enough to qualify.
If paranormal phenomena is real, then what is needed is solid proof. Not evidence, but proof. That, and only that, will bring respectablility to the field, in my opinion.
I understand, and the truth is I would agree with you if this was- let's say - twenty years ago or so. The trouble is I've been following developments in this field for a long time now, and time is what has caused me to lose faith in UFO studies. The reason is simple: for the past fifty years, through flying disks and CEIII's and abductions and cattle mutilations and all the rest, not one scrap of conclusive proof has surfaced. None.

Additionally, you have to consider that, although there are a great many frauds and jokers out there, there have also been some very serious investigators - some of them actual scientists - who've dedicated years to the field. How is it even possible that, in all that time, not a shred of verifiable proof has shown up?

By verifiable proof I mean a piece of a UFO, or a dead bigfoot(a real dead bigfoot), or any phenomenon that can be demonstrated with regularity, so that science can observe it. If the government really was hiding info about UFO's, all we'd need is an official signed document from the government. Just one.

Even a decent film of a UFO taken in the presence of multiple witnesses would count, and so far we've gotten nothing good enough to qualify.
If paranormal phenomena is real, then what is needed is solid proof. Not evidence, but proof. That, and only that, will bring respectablility to the field, in my opinion.

While I largely agree with you, proof is a mathematics thing. What we need is strong physical evidence, something we can study, something that has reproducability. Blurry photos and videos, anectdotes and feelings will not cut it.

My own thoughts on this subject are schizophrenic, I change my mind from day to day. Sometimes thinking there might be something to these claims, to believing they are all nonsense and I am wasting time even looking.
I understand, and the truth is I would agree with you if this was- let's say - twenty years ago or so. The trouble is I've been following developments in this field for a long time now, and time is what has caused me to lose faith in UFO studies. The reason is simple: for the past fifty years, through flying disks and CEIII's and abductions and cattle mutilations and all the rest, not one scrap of conclusive proof has surfaced. None.

Additionally, you have to consider that, although there are a great many frauds and jokers out there, there have also been some very serious investigators - some of them actual scientists - who've dedicated years to the field. How is it even possible that, in all that time, not a shred of verifiable proof has shown up?

By verifiable proof I mean a piece of a UFO, or a dead bigfoot(a real dead bigfoot), or any phenomenon that can be demonstrated with regularity, so that science can observe it. If the government really was hiding info about UFO's, all we'd need is an official signed document from the government. Just one.

Even a decent film of a UFO taken in the presence of multiple witnesses would count, and so far we've gotten nothing good enough to qualify.
If paranormal phenomena is real, then what is needed is solid proof. Not evidence, but proof. That, and only that, will bring respectablility to the field, in my opinion.

I, understand your frustration with the ufo topic. It is also may opinion, that solid proof will be the only way, 'ever' that the topic can become a accepted reality.Everything is based on eyewitness accounts, videos, radar, physical traces, and somethimes if they are to be believed Goverment insiders?

But, i have seen things, others on the paracast forums have also and probably millions of other people around the world. I can't believe, through the centuries and we today, "who have seen things" 'that somehow it all just an illusion created by our brain chemistry.

How, would this be even possible since we have alot of good photographs and videos of craft.They should, not even be on a photograph. We have photographs going back a couple of centuries and yet this objects seem to be in the picture.It not caused by the camera or we be seen lot more ufos than we do in pictures.

Some, of the top generals, in the Brazilian goverment, mexico goverment, french goverment, have spoken about the ufo topic would they even talk about the subject. If they all believed it all to be nonsence.In 1952 President truman spoke about the ufos buzzing over washington. Ok, no prove there.

President Ford spoke about the topic. Other Presidents, like Carter and Reagan, saw something which seemed to involve ufos. Ok, they all imagined it? How do you explain the memo from FBi Director Edgar Hoover were he talked about the flying discs.
In Belgium, the Air force there saw a unidentified object on the radar and sent up their jets to follow it. A photograph, from that time taken shows a object which is not identifiable to anything we have seen in our sky today.

I could go on, we have lots more prove of something unknown.

But, i understand, 'why' your have the frustration. But, to say there is notting to the ufo phenomen is simply silly.

For, me, I have never seen the 'Afterlife' or anything i could prove.Yet, i believe when we die. We do go on.