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I saw a UFO, in the subjective sense

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Paranormal Adept
I just thought I'd share that, while driving home from taking my girlfriend in to work, where she had been called in to perform an ultrasound procedure, we saw something that almost left us with no explanation.

We saw a craft, sort of. All you could really see were three lights, two green on either side and one red in the center, as it was 2am and pretty black out. We were coming up route 2, along the shoreway (right along side Lake Erie), when we saw this thing doing all kinds of insane maneuvers over the lake. The things it was doing were too fluid and unpredictable to be a commercial plane or helicopter.

After about 30 seconds, we decided it was probably a toy of some kind. It seemed small, judging by the way in which it moved. Still, it was strange to us that people would fly RC planes in the dead of nigh over a large body of water. Low and behold, though, that is very much a thing.

While this guy's lighting set up is quite different from what we saw, the movement and maneuverability is basically identical. It was really interesting to witness, in person.

It made me wonder how easily I could have convinced myself, if I were truly eager to believe, that the object we saw was a larger craft. There really were no references for size that we could use, as it was flying over the lake and too high to pass near any objects on the ground. It just "felt" as though it were small. Based on that perceptual feeling, we decided to look for these night-flight, acrobatic RC planes; I feel this is the explanation. Still, if i really wanted to trick my own brain, I don't think it would have taken much.
I just thought I'd share that, while driving home from taking my girlfriend in to work ... While this guy's lighting set up is quite different from what we saw, the movement and maneuverability is basically identical. It was really interesting to witness, in person.

Interesting post. I live right across the street from an RC club's flying area. They seldom fly at night, but I've seen them do it more than once. One night a guy was flying a helicopter that he had somehow attached lights to the main rotor on. That was really colorful and weird looking. So I can see how one of these night flyers could end up as a UFO report. The real jets also fly in from the west over this area. So I've seen a lot of aircraft both by day and night. I haven't see a UFO in years though. I keep hoping.