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I was/am a little weird! How about you?

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Paranormal Novice
This program tonight is jogging my memory of psychedelic experiences from my youth. My current view of this reality, or matrix has changed over the years but the psychedelic years definately left me with a different perspective of what this life is about. I am enjoying revisting these concepts.::)
I'm just fine. Except for a little dain bramage from having too much fun. And those guys in dark suits that keep following me around. Then there's my bursitis...
I'm just fine. Except for a little dain bramage from having too much fun. And those guys in dark suits that keep following me around. Then there's my bursitis...
Hello 00 I am sure the spy business is very challenging today. I hope you are working for the banksters, as they can print you as much money as you might require for your services. The show tonight is getting better as they go into UFO conspirancy theory I am sorry about your dain bramage..i am ok myself ...but must go right now as they are looking for me again...I am afraid of attack by the rockoids! Please call my mommy if you have her number. Thanks! Paralarry
Flashbacks stopped around 1985 or so. I once knew a girl who said "Wow, I sometimes wonder how much smarter I'd be if I hadn't done drugs in my youth." :-)
Adam talked about out of body astral experiences. I used to have real vivid dreams and see planets up close when I was a kid. When I got older and started to experiment with crappy LSD and pot during the late 1970s, those experiences stopped.

Yeah, bain dramage..er..brain damage alright.

Oh well. Could make for a good book!
Yeah I've heard some people say "pot" was mystical. All it ever did for me was f..k me up. But, maybe I wasn't doing it right. :-) I kid now but in reality I don't reccommend folks who haven't done drugs to do em. I came though it but I know many who didn't. That said I still think pot should be legal for medical purposes. I'm kind of liberal when it comes to other people doing (as an adult) what they want to do if they aren't hurting anyone else.

Bad paraphrase follows:

Letter to Dear Abby from back in the day.
Dear Abby, I'm an adult and I want to experiment with drinking. How can I be sure I want be an alcoholic?
"To be sure you won't become an alcoholic, don't start in the first place. :-)

Not being a hypocrite here since I like a little wine and a little adult beverage now and again with a good meal. Just blabbering. Take it or leave it. :-)
Yeah I've heard some people say "pot" was mystical. All it ever did for me was f..k me up. But, maybe I wasn't doing it right. :-) I kid now but in reality I don't reccommend folks who haven't done drugs to do em. I came though it but I know many who didn't. That said I still think pot should be legal for medical purposes. I'm kind of liberal when it comes to other people doing (as an adult) what they want to do if they aren't hurting anyone else.

Bad paraphrase follows:

Letter to Dear Abby from back in the day.
Dear Abby, I'm an adult and I want to experiment with drinking. How can I be sure I want be an alcoholic?
"To be sure you won't become an alcoholic, don't start in the first place. :-)

Not being a hypocrite here since I like a little wine and a little adult beverage now and again with a good meal. Just blabbering. Take it or leave it. :-)

:D Hello you old Hippy! I would have to agree with you ...I feel lucky to come through my drug experience and still be sane? Well I think I am ..some might disagree!
I ended up on pot and stayed there for over 30 years! I finally found that life was easier to cope with without it and I quit 5 years ago at age 55!
I take a plethera of drugs for a heart condition and diabetes, and a couple will buzz me if I do not watch it!
I enjoyed the paracast broadcast last night..I have been listening about 6 months now.
Gene sounds like a very interesting guy with connections all the way back to Long John Neville!
I liked Long John and remember hearing him.
I also liked a guy named Larry Glick...not a para man but an overnight radio show with everything including UFO and Ghost stuff. He was on WBZ in Boston in the 70's and 80's.
I wish Paracast would do more shows so we could listen to new stuff more often ,....however I do intend to access the archive vault soon.
Hope you are having a great day and yes a lil adult beverage is OK with me! All things in moderation!
Enjoy paracast, hope to hear from you again!
One of my websites I am webmaster of is:
Pyramid of Enlightenment
Floating away....Paralarry

---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------

It is strange how we seem to be more closely tuned into the paranormal as a child before the world has a chance to start filtering our experiences, I hope the book pops out of you and you make a million.
Thanks for the reply
I used to recommend everyone try LSD at least once. But that was in the late 60's very early 70's. It was a very interesting experience. I no longer recommend it. Seeing sounds and tasting colors is something you cannot even imagine.

Shrooms, pot and peyote were pretty fun too!
I took prozac once and started right back to lala land ..it scared me more than LSD!

---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 PM ----------

I am ashamed to say ...some I told to try these kind of drugs you speak of had negative life changing results in their lives! It is always a gamble.
I have always **obayed** Nancy Reagan, and "Just (said) NO! To drugs." Even though I am an ultra far Lefty (DEVOTED Democrat) (Christian Socialist.) < (Wha? Those exist?) (They do now.) However, I like a nice sweet goblet of Mad Dog 20/20 every now and then. You would TOO, if my life happened to you. (Hint, The X-Files meets Paranormal State........)
Interesting topic. Does being high cause you to be more aware? Quick story. I used to smoke weed back in the day and bought some really.......I mean REALLY good stuff. I think it was called Umpalumpa. Why is weed always had weird names? Anywho, I took like 3 hits and was higher than a Georgia pine. I laid down and closed my eyes. As I laid there I quit breathing and I was leaving my body. I went past space(if that makes since) and into a white......area. I then realized I needed to breath and my astral body flew straight down into my body. It hit me like a ton of bricks as I finally gasped for air. I saw stars and planets. It was crazy. Im sure it was just the weed that made me do this but it only happened the one time. By the way, I havent smoked in like ten yrs now.