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I was impressed with this footage!

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Tell you what. Every video I've seen in the last few years that either originated in England or Ireland had a healthy amount of swearing in it!
Sorry my American cousins, you just don't have the swearing gene the same as us in the UK/IRE.

Good video. Never seen anything quite like it.

I wonder if the reason I've never seen a UFO is because I live in the cloudiest bloody country in the world? Lets face it, if you rarely see the sun you no doubt rarely see UFOs. They might be above me now but I wouldn't know!
I wasn't so much referring to the cussing, that's nothing new to me. It was the slurred, doubled speech and new word he invented..."in sync wit one n' nother" "absa-mazing" (instead of absolutely amazing being repeated), he tells us it is "live" lol, and they're moving in "a circa-semi-circle" I think it's a lil slurred from tippin the spirits up for New Yrs., but that's okay too, I just got a giggle out of his speech , that's all . :D
(fyi, your cousins the Americans do plenty of their own cussing/swearing, no worries there . lol)
No, I agree - he may have been a little drunk but he would have talked the same sober!
I know Americans swear too - I've lived and worked stateside but not sure if anyone can beat the Irish!

Recently I had watched a few vids made in England and the cameramen there were swearing loads too e.g 'Brian you aaaaiiiint gonna facking belieeeeeve this one mate, you aaaaiiiint gonna facking belieeeeeve it!' - and so it goes on.
Any thoughts!

Shame it's only so short. OK, here's what I think:
- not a fake although footage like this isn't hard to manipulate (it's almost too easy to fake for hoaxers to be interested in doing it).
- not chinese lanterns, either, because they should look more yellowish and flickering because of the flame.
- if they were balloons, the light source underneath would have to be quite bright.
- flares should have some change in brightness too and there should be traces of smoke being lighted from underneath.
- although they are not moving very fast or doing unusual maneuvers (which would make me more confident), they seem at least to display some interaction.

So my guess is that they are the genuine, as yet unexplainable kind of UFOs, albeit "only" nocturnal lights, which are not as convincing as a genuine daylight object, I think.

There's plenty of (IMO) genuine footage of this kind on Youtube etc. and lots and lots of witness reports of lights in the night sky that don't behave like explainable UFOs (airplanes, helicopters, chinese lanterns, meteors etc etc.) and sometimes seem to act intelligently and even react to witnesses.

I once chatted with a guy about these strange star-like objects zig-zagging the night sky and doing all kinds of crazy maneuvers. He was like "Yeah, I've seen those. We go to Denmark every summer to spend our holidays there, and it's a quiet, remote part of the country. And on a clear night I get at least one of them. Once it was three or four. I've no idea what they are, but I've never thought of them as UFOs... I don't believe in UFOs." Duh.:rolleyes:

There is the possibility that they are some natural phenomenon akin to ball lightning. Which would be fine by me (although I would rather like the more paranormal explanation). But whatever they are, as yet, neither mainstream science nor the media acknowledge them as being something unexplained or worth of study. They get ignored. Beats me.
Duh indeed! Probably the best example I've ever heard of the whole deal with people automatically equating 'UFO' with 'Alien Spacecraft'.

Nice one Polterwurst you old sausage!
There is a lot of night time remote control airplane flying going on now. Nevertheless it is strange and apparently unknown to the person making the video. His reaction sure seems genuine.
I don't this remote control planes can be the explanation here T.O simply because the of the perfection of the 'dance'. I'd be willing to bet that if we could plot the lights trajectory's we would find real order. I don't think two independant remote controlled planes or gliders could do that. Helicopters are out as even remote controlled ones make enough noise?

Although I don't think it's the case here, one episode of 'Ufo Hunters' had the team in England and analysing a piece of footage showing 3 lights in the sky. No craft as such could be seen however, with the aid of a computer it was proved that the lights either were fixed to a triangular shaped object, or their choreography in the sky was so perfect as to give the impression of being fixed to a large triangular object. I know which explanation I see as more likely.
I've always wondered 'what if' these objects had attacked... Then what?

We wouldn't be here to discuss it.

IMHO, this would largely explain the lack of motivation by any government to investigate. They are powerless relative to this phenomena and admitting this can only cause panic.

Once again we are safe after a massive flyover ;). We should all be celebrating lol.

Blue book conclusion(1969) : 'they pose no risk to national security'

Begs the question: why would an alien race fly unannounced above a city ? To test military response ?

Any thoughts!

Lol obviously he was drunk from a night out he said it was New Year Eve 2010. Whats shown in the video could be anything to be honest, could be balloons who knows?

The video was taken with a camera phone all you see really is two blobs of white light, like i said could be anything.
No, I agree - he may have been a little drunk but he would have talked the same sober!
I know Americans swear too - I've lived and worked stateside but not sure if anyone can beat the Irish!

Recently I had watched a few vids made in England and the cameramen there were swearing loads too e.g 'Brian you aaaaiiiint gonna facking belieeeeeve this one mate, you aaaaiiiint gonna facking belieeeeeve it!' - and so it goes on.

Found a part two to this. The Dubliners are funny bunch Ireland is full of people with different accents. We here just call their accent the Dublin accent. You only get what i mean if you lived here.

Hey thanks, Kieran, for this Extended Version.

@ trained: thanks for the transcription. :D I'm afraid I can only understand like 50 % of what he's saying but maybe it's better this way

The fact that there's fireworks going, that they all are rather slow and don't show any unusual behaviour, like zooming away, 90 degree turns etc. makes it quite likely that they might be some kind of chinese lanterns or balloons with some bright light source, I'm afraid. I think I'll have to apply Occams razor here.
"What am I supposed to do with this sh*t?"
If that isn't a genuine reaction to an anomalous event (at least to the viewer) I don't know what is.
"Check this out, YOU-F-F*CKING-OOHs!" "Come here, come here, come here."

A its not faked it happened alright, but what it was is a unknown. Towards the end you see him calling over someone else to take a look ( Irish people do that their crazy like that) Its a pity it was filmed at night.
Great video, and I echo everyone's sentiments that we can't tell what it is. Love the fact that he's tipsy.

Lol i would tend to rule out balloons after watching it again. It handy having the cloud outline in the background. One white object comes in from the left and then stops close to the other white light. Balloons keep move unless obstructed by something.

It a good video, just a pity it was taken with a camera phone and at night.
No Angelo, I agree there is just no way of telling what this is.
There are a lot of things I think it is not though. What I find really interesting is the way it looks as though the lights are at opposite ends of a tight wire, rotating slowly and keeping their exact distance (seemingly) and then it looks as though the length of that wire is shortening, bringing them closer together as if on route to meet in the middle!

I think if the paths were tracked using a computer we might find a real symmetry in their movement and if so and if they are seperate objects, I find it hard to come up with a good explanation?
Think he also said that previously to his starting to film 'the objects shot past me' indicating they were moving faster and in a direction before starting to 'dance'.

Of course I would never say 'alien spaceship'. I will say 'can't think of normal explanation but love to hear one if anyone else does'.