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I'm being asked to log-in to post a thread, when I already am!

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Goggs Mackay

Staff member
Tonight, (Nov 16 2011) I signed into the forums, and I know it worked because my user name appears on the page, and hovering over it gives me the option of logging out. So I go ahead and write a quite lengthy post, try to post it and I am given the message that I need to be signed in to post a message. So I go check and find I am still logged in already. I would understand that if after a predetermined time, users are automatically logged out, but if so, surely the page should then reflect that status change? Thank Enki I'd copied the whole post already, allowing me to just paste it back on. Otherwise I think I would have killed myself! (at least for a minute!).
What's going on?
Clear your browser cache. Maybe that's part of it. Otherwise, it may be that we switched to a new forum system in the past week, and perhaps you were logged into the old version.