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In response to the old skeptic's argument ...

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Paranormal Maven
Listening to the March 9th, 2025 show with UFO investigator Malcolm Robinson.

Malcolm was discussing the small, 5% for example, number of cases which are "not explainable."

He mentioned that some skeptics will roll out the now-ancient comment that "even the small number of cases which are 'unexplainable' MIGHT be explainable with further investigation."

If one wants to be truly fair and balanced, one would have to follow that with "some of the 95% of 'EXPLAINABLE' cases might actually turn out to be UNexplainable on further investigation."

-- Squirrel
If one wants to be truly fair and balanced, one would have to follow that with "some of the 95% of 'EXPLAINABLE' cases might actually turn out to be UNexplainable on further investigation."

-- Squirrel
Lol, there are many cases considered "explained" despite the "explanation" being absurd or debunked. MOGUL is the classic examples; others include crash dummies and "swamp gas."
Listening to the March 9th, 2025 show with UFO investigator Malcolm Robinson.

Malcolm was discussing the small, 5% for example, number of cases which are "not explainable."

He mentioned that some skeptics will roll out the now-ancient comment that "even the small number of cases which are 'unexplainable' MIGHT be explainable with further investigation."

If one wants to be truly fair and balanced, one would have to follow that with "some of the 95% of 'EXPLAINABLE' cases might actually turn out to be UNexplainable on further investigation."

-- Squirrel
Very true.