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Intelligent Bigfoot?

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Paranormal Novice
Some people think there is a link between UFO's and Bigfoot. If Bigfoot came in on a UFO and had all that technology to hand, would he not be wearing clothes? I know there are sightings of "Greys" without clothes so maybe Bigfoot prefers not to wear them but you would think, being intelligent enough to fly or control a UFO, he might at least have shaved? Could Bigfoot be a slave of the real UFO occupants, being made to carry out the field work?
The whole naked alien thing has always perplexed me. To me naked speaks of an absence of technology. Clothes function more than to just preserve modesty. The absence of footwear in a hostile or non-native environment says a lot about being prepared and concern for one's own person. A naked being running around exposed to a foreign environment doesn't seem to be exhibiting intelligent or self-directed behavior.

We don't generally clothe robots or our animals but humans wear clothing for the most part, particularly when we are in hostile or uncontrolled environments. Technology users like pockets, bags, and straps to lug their technology around in, animals and robots for the most part, do not. The naked ones may be more likely to be closely associated with, or the property of, other clothes wearing technology bearing beings. We train dolphins to perform real work naked in environments that they are more suited to in their natural state. Are Bigfoot and Greys domesticated subservient tools of whoever designs, manufactures, and maintains the technology behind Unidentified Flying Objects? I don't know, but if they were it would answer several questions like, "Why are they naked?", "Why do they act robotic?", and "Why do they not leave anything behind?"
Some of the best camping spots near me are "nature retreats", and so when ive used them ive complied with the local custom and gone nude, i'm very comfortable in just skin and dont have an issue with being nude in the company of strangers who are likewise nude.
That aspect aside, i think the reason we wear clothes is as you say , due to the uncontrolled aspect of the environment.
But a species that has spent perhaps hundreds even thousands of years in an artificial/controlled environment is (modesty issues aside) unlikely to need or want to wear clothes.

Another facet i find significant is this from the alleged alien autopsy reports

The second type of body is allegedly reported as

The fluid removed from the body was analyzed under the microscope and found to be a vegetable substance, chlorophyll-based. It is possible that photosynthesis was the means of obtaining energy.
This is not a cadaver of a kind previously observed by or known to this pathologist. It appears to be a form of creature utilizing elements of both the animal and vegetable.

It makes perfect sense to me if one has the ability to bio engineer your bioform, to make photosynthesis a means of obtaining energy, For such a bioform wearing clothes would be counter to the design of the bioform.

If we are talking engineered bioforms, all the advantages of clothing could be incorporated into the bioform itself, resistance to heat/cold etc.

Why carry food stores, when the galaxy is chock full of stars, just make the crew compartment have the ability to turn translucent a-la Lazars sports model, and the crew can use photosynthesis as a means of energy
I was thinking a bit about this during the summer evenings when I'd take the dogs out for that late night walk...while barefoot. I remember as a kid being barefoot always felt good. The ooze of the mud between my toes, the soft grass, the crunch of the dried grass and the hard earth never seemed to bother me. As an adult I'm kind of shocked how a tiny pebble in the walk seems to annoy me so much, or a bit of unevenness in the ground gives me pause.

But I digress...

What if the bigfoot alien creature doesn't need clothing because it's hair and feet are perfectly used to outdoors. What if nudity doesn't bother these creatures because they never had a puritanical culture in their history? What if that hair IS clothing or something approximate to it?

What if the "naked greys" we see aren't naked but wearing a bio-protective coating that could count as clothing? Maybe that body that is seen is really some sort of an exo-skeleton, or a biomechanical robot.

There are many points to ponder, as usual in these fields, but very few clues that can lead to any sort of closure.
Im a bit of an old tender foot myself these days, i used to go barefoot everywhere, even the supermarket, until one day a little girl exclaimed in a very loud voice, "look mummy, that poor man has no shoes"

I still cant go past the cheese section without blushing in memory.

My feet still get plenty of attention even today, my shoe of choice is the ninja Tabi boot, ive always found the flat sole and split toe very comfortable, and wear them just about everywhere
Not to vie to far off the original point of this subject (nakedness), but there was a point about "alien" involvement with Bigfoot, and I thought I'd add my two cents to it. Instead of it being extra terrestrial, why not inter dimensional and very much it's own species. Considering how many people have witnessed the creature vanish while chasing them, and also the fact that we have never come up with a dead carcass or a live one for that matter; why not a Bigfoot which leaves this dimension whenever it dies or when living, decides too? That would not only explain the loss of any authentically substantiated physical proof, but also the many Bigfoot tracks which seem to go nowhere in certain areas, the fact that when they are found in packs, they ALL seem to neatly make themselves scarce when chased, etc.