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Interesting Conversation

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Ron Collins

Curiously Confused
I had a very interesting conversation with a former Marine Colonel this weekend. This gentleman has been retired for 15 years but still has many friends in the Marines and Navy that have risen high in rank. He had recently been told that I have an interest in UFO's. So we spoke about it in general terms from about 15 minutes. then he starts telling me this story. He says that in the late 80's he was doing a stint aboard an air craft carrier. He says it was the Nimitz and that they were somewhere near Japan when the ship went on alert. Apparently, the radar had picked up some fast moving objects that were making very strange maneuvers. He says it lasted for over 2 hours and that the Nimitz launched fighters to pursue whatever it was. Unfortunately, they were never able to visually see or confirm anything.

Many of the guys were laughing it off and throwing around UFO related jokes. Then he says he was talking to a Navy officer that worked in the radar room. He says that he made a joke about it and the guy got very serious and said, "It ain't no fucking joke. Those damn things love to fuck with us." then got up and left. The Colonel, not a Colonel then (I forgot to ask what rank he was), tried to engage the same officer about it a few days later. He says the guy stared him straight in the face and said. "I have no idea what you are talking about." and then changed the subject. He says it was one of those "shut the fuck up about it" looks. He says that in his entire military career that was the only time he ever heard anything related to UFO's. But, says that the interaction he had with the Navy guy has always unsettled him.

Anyway, it was a cool story and I thought I would relay it.
This is the kind of story that keeps me hooked on this as a real phenomenon. The credible chain of person to person disclosure leaves us shaking our heads and wondering.
This is the kind of story that keeps me hooked on this as a real phenomenon. The credible chain of person to person disclosure leaves us shaking our heads and wondering.

Yeah man, same here. It could be a multitude of things from the Navy looking to keep quiet secret tests, to actual E.T., to something terrestrial but out of the control of our military.

Excellent story Ron, something worth checking out the forum every day to read.