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Interesting UFO footage?

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Goggs Mackay

Staff member

A very interesting video - don't know if it's been debunked or whatever but I cannot see the lights belonging to conventional aircraft, balloons, flares, microlights or whatever. Whatever these lights are they are carrying out movements that not even a display team would try at night over a built-up area.

I understand. There is so much crap out there but something about this video screams to me that it is not computer graphics. I have no evidence but I really think we are looking at whatever was through someone's viewfinder.
AnonymousFO.com is where to find loads of good videos. As always you cannot be sure but that site claims to try to weed out obvious hoaxes and fakes. It is choc full of vids and not one of them looked fake on first inspection.
A very interesting video - don't know if it's been debunked or whatever but I cannot see the lights belonging to conventional aircraft, balloons, flares, microlights or whatever. Whatever these lights are they are carrying out movements that not even a display team would try at night over a built-up area. Thoughts?
Ummm, I seem to remember this was debunked as something UFIO-related. I dimly recall that this was a film of a graduation flight for some South American country's Air Force Academy class. They do a nighttime flight to celebrate their graduation, or something like that.... somebody check it and get back to us...
What do you think of this

I remember reading a skeptical explanation for this video on abovetopsecret. Skeptics seem to think that it's the top half of some kind of boat or cruise ship, though nobody could place the ship there during that specific date and time. Personally, I'm unsure whether their explanation is correct or not, I haven't really studied the case that much, but I'll see if I can dig up the link...
I remember reading a skeptical explanation for this video on abovetopsecret. Skeptics seem to think that it's the top half of some kind of boat or cruise ship, though nobody could place the ship there during that specific date and time. Personally, I'm unsure whether their explanation is correct or not, I haven't really studied the case that much, but I'll see if I can dig up the link...

Being some one who is very into his ships and navy history (I build RC and static models as well as ship spot and collect books on the subject.. yeah nuts but hey) I have never seen a ship look like that on the horizon other than a Squid boat but they are much more lit up than that and the light is white not an off red (the colour can change due to distance but the semi-circle arrangement is all wrong). A cruise ship will not be running without forward navigation lights, mast lights and a whole crap ton of passenger lights. This object displays none of that. I have watched a number of big liners come into port and you can see them from miles away looking like a floating city they are that lit up.

Now this is not to say that it is not a ship as it could be Navy or it could be a merchant ship such as a tanker but which of the two I have no idea.
Given that it appears to be at the extreme edge of the horizon (aprox 4.7 kilometers),it could look this way due to the atmospheric lens effect and what he is seeing and filming is in fact over the horizon... its just a thought.
@Chris - ok, thanks for explanation. Regarding the Turkey footage, did not Dr Roger Leir say he was actually present at the filming? It's a really weird video once cleaned up and it really looks like there are two freaky alien types there. Could be an elaborate hoax though.
@Chris - ok, thanks for explanation. Regarding the Turkey footage, did not Dr Roger Leir say he was actually present at the filming? It's a really weird video once cleaned up and it really looks like there are two freaky alien types there. Could be an elaborate hoax though.
When in doubt, ask an expert! When it comes to UFOs (AAPs) I know of no one else that has the insightful, analytical abilities of Ray Stanford. I'll ask him what he thinks of these Turkish UFO videos... More later when he responds...
And we patiently wait in hope that one day Ray will let you show us all a nice pic....I live in hope. I'd be very interested to hear what Ray says about the turkey footage. I shall watch this space as they say..
When in doubt, ask an expert! When it comes to UFOs (AAPs) I know of no one else that has the insightful, analytical abilities of Ray Stanford. I'll ask him what he thinks of these Turkish UFO videos... More later when he responds...

Chris if you do that remember there are 3 years worth of footage. It was on several different days. I just wanted to say that.
I had a tough time putting this into any kind of a context. My first impressions were it looks like Chinese lanterns under some kind of control.There are no excessive speeds or maneuvers involved. The objects are detached and slow. My guess is man made. My lack of comparative context on my iPhone screen may have misled my first impressions. Reminds me of some sightings coming out of Mexico.

If you are trying to fly covert this ain't the way to do it.Looks more like a planned spectacle.