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Interesting UFO Video from Netherlands. Blue UFO -

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Paranormal Adept
This video is a pretty good capture of something .What it is could be anything.

Rijnmond TV News in the Netherlands is reporting on an interesting UFO video captured by a man in the town of Maassluis. The object appears to be a large lens-shaped blue object and has no apparent means of propulsion.

Maassluis is a few miles south of The Hague, in an area surrounding Rotterdam called the Rijnmond. It is at the mouth of the Rhine River.
It looks like a classic Ufo! What it really is, I don't know.


cos it is just that, a typical ufo in the sense that it is real, and acting out of 'character' to our experience/s, we cannot mentally label it with any confidence, and file it away in our mental filofax.

i didnt know whether you meant fake or similar, and i was missing what was obvious to you.

cos it is just that, a typical ufo in the sense that it is real, and acting out of 'character' to our experience/s, we cannot mentally label it with any confidence, and file it away in our mental filofax.

i didnt know whether you meant fake or similar, and i was missing what was obvious to you.

My impression watching the video is that it is of a real object in the sky. It might be a hoax of some kind, I don't know. But by all appearances it is a classic flying saucer.
kite, if it was made out of foil, maybe.
as it is quite reflective ontop at the end of the clip, and without a cord to keep a kite against the air currents, it just falls, dont you think its movement is to smooth for a kite, as they jump about in the wind, the movement in the vid is caused by the hand-held camera.
plus if it was a kite, zoomed in on, which are pretty small, i think the cords would be visible, and a balloon would rotate, even in the slightest of air currents, especially one that shape imo.

theres always a reason why we only get to see just a short clip of video, instead of the whole video, my guess is uav/drone, or an aircraft at an angle that make's it temporarily un-recognisable, hence the short interesting clip.
It could several different things, the least probable on the list being a real flying saucer. It is literally impossible to tell from a youTube video of this kind. I still like the image though.
It could several different things, the least probable on the list being a real flying saucer. It is literally impossible to tell from a youTube video of this kind. I still like the image though.

There's no need to judge the prior probability of it being a flying saucer - I don't know what that is, do you? If it could easily be lots of mndane things, there's just no point in putting any more attention into it.
There's no need to judge the prior probability of it being a flying saucer - I don't know what that is, do you? If it could easily be lots of mndane things, there's just no point in putting any more attention into it.

All it is, probably all it ever will be, is an image of a unidentified flying object, which happens to look like a classic saucer on video. It doesn't do anything to make me think anything else.
There's an odd lack of symmetry to this object with some distinct black coloration on the front and back end that might suggest something as mundane as a blue aircraft angled in flight - might not even be stealth-y! It certainly has the appearance of a triangular craft on angle. But it could even be something as simple as this:

That's the problem with low-res video, small lenses and distant objects seen at great distance through atmospheric haze. Could be the cookie monster in flight; could be experimental. Unfortunately not definitive, but certainly curious for its colour at least.
There was a thread on this on ATS, but it's gone dry: U.F.O over the Netherlands, page 1
There were some good comments, mainly about how the re-enactment showed the filming being done through a closed window, which opens the possibility of an object being a small thing on the glass. There was also talk about the clouds being out of focus when the camera zoomed in on the saucer.

I've been unable to find a full video of this for further analysis, and the news on this seems to begin and end with this one report, which is a bit fishy. If anyone can find more on this, please post an update.
The shape reminds me of the pictures of stealth bombers people used to think were UFOs. New paint job maybe? :)

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