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Michael Allen

Paranormal Adept
Introduction and Comments

In the beginning I listened to this podcast from time to time, mostly due to the keyword matches for heavy hitters as Richard Dolan, Stanton Friedman, Jacques Vallée and the other serious researchers--I am an admirer of J. Allen Hynek and Richard Hall.

How I became interested in UFOlogy...

A few years ago my best friend related to me a string of experiences ("non-sequiturs" as he was fond of calling them) that could be described as paranormal; and to the my incredulity he interpreted them as alien beings from another planet. I (like many during the time) had no idea concerning the depth and scope of the existing body of data and first-hand/second hand reports in the field of ufology and dismissed his experience as a psychological aberration.

My friend, as a result of his experiences, amassed a huge collection of UFO books, reports, documents, etc. Each day he would introduce me to another author or documentary.

After a few months the sheer volume of information pointing toward the legitimacy of this subject was overwhelming (both in the sense of the magnitude of its implications as well as the amazing efforts of those few serious researchers).

I suppose this will suffice as a quick introduction of my views regarding the individuals (often referred to as "personalities") and guests on this show.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the hosts Gene and David for their due diligence, and scrutiny afforded to the guests--as well as the other guest hosts who have joined in the spirit of the effort since David has left.
I was lucky enough to find this show sometime ago. I also found out about Greg Bishop (I had read Project Beta some years ago.) Also, found from there Paul Kimball and Tim Binall and others that were younger than me but really into some of the things I had always wondered about. I've enjoyed it for the most part. I have noticed there is a LOT of sniping and personal attacks in this field. Maybe it's because (sadly) there is little actual data and most things are word of mouth and interpretation of fuzzy pictures. Still, as somebody who has experienced some "out of the mainstream" things in my life I realise it's a hard (if not impossible) task to measure in a really test tube scientific way. Maybe someday we will have the "science" to prove or disprove aliens and alternate dimensions and reincarnation and other subjects that are fun to discuss but maddening to really come to a conclusion on.
Hi Micheal

I have enjoyed your posts on the forums so thanks for the background on what sparked your interest in all this. Despite the differences of opinion there really is alot of data and info on this subject. It is usually a personal sighting/experience or one from someone you are close to and respect that triggers serious interest in this field...but once you do start looking into it there's no going back;)!!