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Intro music theme

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Paranormal Maven
Quite honestly I really miss the original music intro, sorry for silly compare but to change that theme is pretty much like to change the X-files original soundtrack main theme:-)

I like the new ones but they can't replace the original one for me.
Quite honestly I really miss the original music intro, sorry for silly compare but to change that theme is pretty much like to change the X-files original soundtrack main theme:-)

I like the new ones but they can't replace the original one for me.

For various reasons we cannot use the original, nor the one from "Forbidden Planet," which has rights issues. We have a new one that debuted last week, however. Call it the second replacement. :)
Sorry to be all negative I'm a massive fan of the show but this weeks new music is weak [ I think even the composer if he was honest with himself would admit this ], there was nothing about it that suggested the mystery and intrigue of the 'Paranormal', very very ordinary. Certainly the original music which I assume was Davids composition and can't be used now obviously was a lot lot stronger.

You should run a competition, I bet there's loads of musicians out there listening to the show who'd have a pop at doing you some music?
Sorry to be all negative I'm a massive fan of the show but this weeks new music is weak [ I think even the composer if he was honest with himself would admit this ], there was nothing about it that suggested the mystery and intrigue of the 'Paranormal', very very ordinary. Certainly the original music which I assume was Davids composition and can't be used now obviously was a lot lot stronger.

You should run a competition, I bet there's loads of musicians out there listening to the show who'd have a pop at doing you some music?

This is a situation where some people will like change and some won't. Others may have to get used to the new themes for The Paracast and The Tech Night Owl LIVE. I did some private sampling of listener reaction before they went live, and I'm happy with the new music.

The network also seems to like them, and that's of particular importance, because we depend on them for distribution. But I do appreciate your opinions anyway. Thanks.